A Swell Morning

Story by Arubazu, enjoy!

Read this story first if you didn’t already!

It was a week after his previous little growth incident and his mind was utterly rattled on the ratifications on the substance but also on how good it felt to be that big. He was a sexy hunk if only for a the rest of the night of more personal pleasure and found himself wiped out and normal by time he woke up the next morning. A good thing his mother decided to knock on his door too before entering cause he was thoroughly sprawled out and naked from bursting out from his clothes. But now that he gotten a taste of the growth he couldn’t help but want more, part of him trying to convince himself it was for scientific reasons but part of him knew it was a lie. He just wanted to feel that way again and he had already sent out a text to his surprisingly enough supplier for more. 
Glancing down at his phone for any message from Karol to pop up but it was almost immediately that very morning. “I’ll get you more.” was all it said with a winky smiley face and followed by, “- but your gonna have to wait till next friday, I will be busy till then”. 
And so he had to wait for a long and almost agonizing school week for more stuff, in fact almost too agonizing as he spent some of those days daydreaming, not really paying much attention to class or anything but more so the clock and as day by day goes by he finds his desire to have it happen to him grow till friday comes along. Homework piled up upon him as he made an excuse as a straight a down to a few b’s here and there student his teachers decided to let him have some extra credit feeling he had something going on in his personal life that he wouldn’t tell them about. Oh if they only knew the luxury of pleasure he was waiting to experience or maybe a discovery as his mind still battled between what drove him to want more. 
It wasnt long till he was leaving the school to head home that he was interrupted by a voice calling his name. “Hey Felix, over here.” the voice whispered and as Felix turns he can see Karol leaning against one of the stairways out of the school smiling at him. “Come with me, I got what you need” Karol says with a smile as he walks leading him to somewhere more secluded, to the men’s bathroom actually were no student was in sense everyone was trying to just get out to enjoy their newfound weekend. He turns to Felix with a smile,”so… how much room do you got in your backpack?” Karol asks coyly as he takes of the backpack he had on his own. He opens it up revealing the contents within that makes Felix’s mouth drop in awe, filled with alot of jars of the same stuff he used before. Felix gulps before looking up at Karol with worried and fretted eyes. ”w-what do I owe you with this much…?” He asks Karol. “Oh nothing, I’m just beig… generous…” Karol says with a smile. “You can take the whole bag if you want too…” Karol intices before leaving the bathroom for Felix to decide and boy does he as he picks up the bag and leaves school with the bag full of the stuff.

Felix mind rattled back and forth in joy, like a kid getting a new game from the game store, he had a bit of a walk from school to home but it was well worth the effort being home later. His parents being out doing their own work left him alone for the weekend once more, but still he rushed upstairs and carefully laid both bags down. He took a moment to open up the bag full of the stuff looking at all the jars that laid inside of it and a mischievous smile appearing on his face. He was tempted to drink one down now but his intelligence stopped his lust for a moment as a question rose up in his head. 
He examined one jar in specific and decided to tuck the rest into his little mini fridge in his room. “How much does someone grow… if they sleep after drinking this?” he asks himself in awed curiosity his scientific brain rattling with possibilities, but looking outside he can see as the sun was inching down yet still fairly high in the sky. That he would have to wait before he could begin his tests. So he took his time, pulling out his chair to do a bit of homework to catch up in his studies as well as a bit of fun to himself playing an in depth rpg he always endeared to play. It wasn’t long before he found the sun had set and night had consumed the day. He decided to get himself ready for bed and his little experiment changing himself to a pair of boxers with a pair of clothes he didn’t care to much about set aside for in case of possible miscalculations he smiles as he picks up the jar he picked earlier for the experiment. Hands jittered with excitement and a bit of a twitch in his dick for lust as he begins to pop off the top and down the contents within, heartily gulping it all down without a break before he lets out a loud gasp before smiling feeling that same tingling he felt before from his last growth before he huddles himself into his bed. As a swarm of fireflies dance around in his gullet, unsure if thats the growth beginning or his own excitement that ends up tiring him out as he falls into his slumber, and while he does his body begins its changes. Unintentionally he kicks his covers off his body letting it lay bare for the world to see as his body begins to change from it’s then geeky frame begins to grow. 
Swelling out with musculature as definition begins to form, thin pec’s bulging out from his chest and slowly rising more and more. His stomach shifting to form ab’s up his stomach as a row of two then 4 form on his stomach. His thigh’s expanding as ripples of muscle shift onto them, his calves following suite as they bulge and tighten. Soon he goes from geeky to fit in a matter of moments and thats not all that was happening. A tightening bulge beginning to form in his boxers as his cock and balls also grew with his body both bigger and more erect. As his body swelled with musculature it passes into a deeper fit build as his pec’s bulge out even more defined, abs hitting the high count of 6 with a deep cut within them, biceps bulging out to the size of oranges. His waist widens tightening up against his underwear and as his cock follows suite, it slips out revealing its impressive stature with ping pong sized balls to boot that also slip out of his underwear, twitching erect in the air as even asleep his body loves the feeling of growing even if he is asleep. His thighs expanding as the musculature is now visible for all to see with his thighs following behind, he had the body of someone who was showing results from working out and could show it off just a bit as he slumbered into a blissful slumber with some moans releasing his lips as it was quite obvious he was feeling good.

Soon the morning sun rose through his window and Felix wakes up with a heavy yawn and a stretch. He can feel something off, his body had more weight but not in a manner that felt like a burden more so that he could do more. Sleepily he looks down and the first thing he notices is pec’s predominately blocking his vision of his body below somewhat, they werent too big but just enough to be noticeable. He flexes’s his arm and watches that bicep peak upward like a miniature hilltop. Upon further inspection he can feel the tightness of his underwear classping on his waist as well as see his hard throbbing cock and balls twitching and eager for attention. “Interesting, and with a full bottle too…” Felix says as he looking over his body once more, he wasn’t as big as he was before for sleeping with the growth stuff inside him but nonetheless he did grow to such a fair build, he could easily pass as somewhat normal just really fit save for well, that. He thinks as he looks down at his pretty well sized cock as well. “I think a picture would be the best for this moment, and who knows maybe Karol would like what he see’s?” Felix thinks to himself as he grabs his phone and faces his mirror. With a quick flexing pose he presses the button to take a quick picture of his newfound fit form in it to make a great selfie. Smiling as he taps into a text back to Karol “Already starting the weekend off right!”. 
He smiles as he begins to put his phone down and playfully strokes his hard cock with a light moan.

He takes a moment to walk over and change into his more spare clothes, they were fitting but not as baggy if he wore them before his little bout of growth. Giving his new body a good stretch with his hard on still protruding out he struggled to get it back into his underwear but with some effort and sensitive moans he managed. Felix begins to take a seat at his desk to make note of the situation, “if asleep through the growth process the body still grows to an impressive stature.” Felix sketches down into his notebook before looking back at his school backpack. “Time to get some of that make-up work done!” He says to himself as he pulls out some homework and begins getting right to it, unbeknownst to him that his sexy transformation was far from done. 

He could feel a light tingle within him but attributed it to a light sense of hunger but in actuality the growth had not stopped but only slowed during the night and was ever so slowly returning. His spare pajama’s that he used for this occasion would find themselves very worse for wear in this situation but for now they fit him ever so loosely altho that definition was blissfully disappearing. Felix lets out a sigh having gone through a good bit of his studies already finds the tingling needing a bit of his attention. He leaves to head downstairs to his households kitchen to grab himself a snack, as he does he feels his clothes getting a bit tighter on his figure, but brushes those thoughts aside as he grabs a few fruits to chow down on. As his muscles ever so slowly inch ever bigger making his baggy clothes become a bit tighter on his figure and his cock twitch ever eagerly still harder under the confines that held them. Felix lets out a moan as he stretches not realizing his shirt rides up exposing his 8 pack abs under his shirt now. He begins to head back up the stairs stomach filled but his body also grows just that bit more without still not stopping.

Felix now takes a moment to sit down into his chair, letting out a content sigh as he does but also a light moan as well, that tingling feeling was still there even tho he was full. He looks down and begins to see before his own eyes his still swelling body, as his legs slowly tighten against shorts as they grow, his cock peeking out of one of the leg holes as it grows a bit as well, his shirt beginning to lose face due to his bulging biceps and the front of his shirt straining to contain his growing pec’s. He gets out of his chairs and looks at himself in the mirror to see his body was reaching a more bodybuilder status and with a heavy smirk he gets to enjoy the show. 

Never getting the chance to see his body rip out of his clothes last time this was the perfect opportunity as it was clear they were losing their battle with his growing body. His shorts receding up his growing thighs and tearing at the seams revealing more and more of his cock to the open air, as it twitches and throbs in pleasure. 
Felix couldn’t help himself running one hand to rub upon his dick as more and more of it gets revealed. He can hear his pajama shirt tear down the middle revealing his muscular chest with shelf like pec’s the pushed and tore at his shirtmaking the straining fabric rip, even more, to reveal his amazing ab’s with ever breath his shirt tore and he watched as not 2 nor 6, nor 8 but 10 powerful abs revealed themselves upon his muscular physique. His biceps bursting through his sleeves as he flexes the softball sized mounds of muscle. His shorts burst off his body unable to contain the figure beneath and his cock slaps against his chest and rests, erect and throbbing eager no, hungry for attention. Felix smiles as he stares at nude yet bodybuilder-like physique as he can still see his body grow, inching ever so slightly higher and higher, till his body stopped growing but rattled with pleasure. He moans as he grips his cock, stroking it eagerly as his sense of pleasure was heightened. His mind playing back how he grew and tore out of his clothes, none of which would fit him for the time being, as well as playing back on how big he was once more. He’s week-long lustings coming frivolously true as his cock leaked out pre cum onto the floor. Lips parting to let out loud moans as he looks himself in the mirror and strokes with desire. His feeling of a climax clambering closer as he feels up his orange sized balls with one of his free hands, coveting them for their size eager to see how much cum comes out of such thick and well-sized nuts. His hands go back up to his body as he slides his finger up between every crevice of his ab’s before he gets back to his pec’s as he feels those up as well. Smiling as he does so with his impressive body before giving his powerful softball-sized biceps a nice little flex. He was once again the combination of brain and brawn that no heckler would dare mettle with. It was such a lustful thought in his mind it sent him over the edge as he moans loudly as his dick quivers and soon cum churns out of his cock. As load upon a load of his spunk shoot out, splattering against the mirror and floor he smiles as he drops to his knees with heavy nearly satisfied pants as his libido takes a bit of momentary dip. 

Felix lays on his floor, with a deeply satisfied smile before getting up and flexing his body once more. He examines his room at his new stature, at a niche little 2.3 meters his sense of perspective changed a bit. He gazes at the desk and his brow furrows a bit seeing some cum splatters on his homework, he sighs finding it a bit of a setback, but all that classwork would have to wait when he could have so much more fun with this body. He flexes a bit more oogling at every muscle bulging with every flex on his figure. His cock still erect and throbbing for attention and as he gives it a few strokes he decides he wants to do a little something to spice it up. He walks against his wall and lays his cock against it, cum soaking into a little spot as he grinds his cock against it, moaning loudly as he smiles pleasuring himself in a new way he never tried before. He rubs his body and grinds against the wall, smiling as he does amazed that he never tried something so nice as his sensitive cock rubbed against a slowly slickening wall as his pre-cum drips and oozes out of it making every grind and every rub feel more pleasurable than the last. 
Felix flexes his arms behind his head as he continues his grinding session, moaning as happily as he can be, feeling his climax growing closer and closer. His looks down as he enjoys the view of his well-engorged cock rubbing against the wall, the thick head leaking out pulses with pre-cum onto the walk and dripping down onto the floor, he moans and smiles as he grows closer to his climax and decides to help himself out with a few presumptive strokes of his cock before his climax draws ever near feeling the cum rising up to the tip. He grinds it one more time before letting loose a loud moan as spurts after spurt of cum shoots out of his cock. Panting and moaning as a blast back of the cum shoots and flies onto his chest as his own spunk lays within his chiseled muscular body. 
A satisfied smirk on his face as he slumps down onto the bed as he rests from such a nice climax as he can see a nice bit of cum pooling by his mirror where he had his little grind session. He thinks for a moment and decides upon a nice little action as he reaches for his phone and positions himself on his bed with a nice pose. Taking the picture with a satisfied smile then typing into the text, “Satisfied with the results on my first jar, maybe this could be the first ‘payment’?” He sends back to Karol before getting an immediate text back, an emoji with a smile on his face and a tongue sticking out followed by “Love the look, glad you showed me your results this time and hope to see a lot more of that body!”. Karol sends back, soon after with another text “- and all I gave you should keep you topped off for a good while but if you need more…” Karol follows up the text with an image of him and his own cock out, “…you can get some from the source too!”. Karol sends with a winkey smiley face followed up and Felix smiles eagerly enough to try such a thing.

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