The late Hours – Reworked

Story by me! 

I reworked one of my old Storys, hope you enjoy!

Original Story:



It was Friday and as always I was at home chilling, when I received a message from Damian. He wanted to invite me over to a sleepover at his place, since his mother would be out of town this weekend. Julian and Dominik had time to get to know each other better, so Damian’s idea was great, I agreed and got ready for the sleepover.

I arrived at his place in the afternoon. I entered the front yard of the apartment Damian sent the address of. The area wasn’t necessarily the best in town, but there certainly is worse. I quickly checked the doorbell for his family name “Hunter” and pressed it. “Hello?”, asked Damian through the intercom. “It’s me, Max.”, I answered. “Come in, third floor.”, replies Damian and unlocked the entrance door with the push of a button. I slowly started worrying… What if this sleepover won’t be as great as Julian and Dominik’s sleepover was to them? The Concerns didn’t hold up long, they vanished as I saw Damian waiting in the stairwell, he seemed as reserved as ever.

“Hey.”, I said when I was finally on the same floor as him. “Hey.”, Damian greeted back, he seemed to be in a hurry. He disappeared into the apartment while I was taking off my shoes. I closed the door and went into the room where Damian disappeared in. “Sorry Max, I was still playing, I’ll finish this match real quick… if you want you can take a look around my place so long.”, he suggested. “Okay”, I answered and looked around his apartment. There was not much to see, it was a quite small apartment but it was for just two people after all, his mother and him. After a quick glance at the generic living room I quickly returned to Damian to check out his room in detail. Good size, decorated with all sorts of gaming bells and whistles, like RGBs and posters of games, enough to make the waiting more bearable.

I sat down on his bed and watched Damian playing his Game. The match seemed intense and he was completely focused on it, now I can understand why Julian keeps talking about Damian’s gaming interest whenever he talks about Damian’s hobbies, he’s pretty much just doing that and he’s good at it. My eyes quickly turned away from the game, since it‘s not one of the games I play, I don’t understand enough to be invested. My eyes went away from the screen and started checking out Damian. He wore the for him typical shade of grey colored t-shirt and black sweatpants combination he always wears, sitting quite loosely on his thin frame.

Even if Damian doesn’t think so, he looks very good. His emo appearance was of course not created intentionally but through bad experiences in life, as Julian had told me and clearly preached onto Dominik’s mind, but he still has a certain “cuteness” that is only underlined by the thin, long body.

“and… Over!”, Damian stepped away from the Computer and finally gave me all his attention. “Really close match, right?”, He asked me, flashed by the close victory. “Yes.”, I answered simply. As he cleaned up his desk he told me his plan: “I’ve been thinking a lot about what we could do, I’ve planned everything from console gaming to cooking.” “Sounds great, where should we start?”, I asked him curiously. “How about a little something I planned for Dominik? He said I should dress a little more… stylish, so I thought you could go shopping with me and advise me a bit?”, He suggested. “Sure, why not!”, I replied. Shopping with my Parents made me despise shopping for clothes, but it‘s something entirely different if you don’t buy for yourself and advise someone else… someone who’s look you enjoy.



We got ready and made our way to a clothing store that was nearby. As we entered I already locked on pieces that could work for Damian. “How about this?”, I asked Damian with a small stack of tops and bottoms ready to be tried on. “Eh, sure…”, He replied, overwhelmed by the amount of clothes, he struggled to find any pieces himself. We went to the changing rooms, Damian tried some variations of the clothes I picked for him, I think I nailed his style well, but he didn’t seem super happy with the outfits himself. “Is something wrong?”, I asked him, after noticing him not coming out of the changing room to show the next set of clothes.

“I… I don’t know if Dominik would like these clothes… and that pieces of clothing don’t come cheap…”, he began to self-doubt. “Oh nonsense, Dominik will be super happy to see you in something other than just your gray shirts and black sweatpants you wear all the time.”, I replied. “Guess you’re right…”, Damian replied, still not very convinced. I stood there not knowing what to say to boost his self-confidence, but then I got an Idea: „Do you know what would really make him happy?-“, I started as I entered the changing cabin fully and closed the curtain behind me. I stepped behind him, he still faced the mirror. I slid my hands under his shirt to get hold of his hips. He was surprised but before he could say anything I continued my suggestion: „-if there were a few defined muscles on this lean body of yours.”

Damian looks at me through the mirror confused but just after a short time he felt what I was going for. I made Damian’s muscles grow. I always imagined it to be so hot growing his muscles, after all he wasn’t built like Julian and Dominik are, they are already fit but Damian? His build was thin. Also the little body fat he has would let you see the muscles rise on his thin frame, they would be immediately visible on him.

We both stared into the mirror to witness Damian’s body beginning to get a stronger physique. First his stomach began to form a six-pack, his pecs began to rise from the chest, his arms began to fill with muscle mass and his legs got bigger and bigger to support the newfound muscle mass that was forming. Damian was in a trance, being speechless by the good feeling of his muscles growing and seeing it with his own eyes in the mirror. He enjoyed it so much that he couldn’t help but get hard from it. Even for me just looking at something that just moments ago was a bag of bones and now is a teenage bodybuilder got me hard. I slowly put my hand into Damian’s sweatpants, I just felt the need to give him some strokes and see if I made his dick grow too by accident as I sometimes tend to do. As I stopped the growth a massive Emo stood in front of me, speechlessly looking at himself in the mirror.



As he started to inspect his abs further I withdrew my hand, I was a bit embarrassed that I got so quickly turned on by him being that buff. Thankfully I didn’t make my Boner touch Damian.

Damian flexed the massive body I just gave him, luckily he wasn’t wearing any of the shirts right now, they’d easily be torn apart by one false move. His sweatpants already struggled to keep the massive new legs hidden. All this power… all this mass… now he knew how much more confident he could be if he was having muscles like that. “That… that would be great… real great”, he said as he continued to admire himself in the mirror and feel himself up. Damian was still fixated on his upper body, he didn’t notice that he had a clear boner forming in his precious sweatpants, almost making it the final blow to rip them off. That would’ve been a great way to say goodbye to his old style.

As his eyes finally laid eyes on the massive Bulge, Damian freed himself from the trance and grabbed one of the shirts to hide his hard-on but also to signal to me that he’d like to move on trying on the clothes now. I understood, laid my hands on his massive frame again and started to turn him back to his former self. As he sees the muscles vanish in the mirror he quietly says: “Yes… I’m sure that Dominik would love to see that… If only…”, he admitted my suggestion was good. “Indeed.”, I said, my eyes still feeding on Damian’s slowly shrinking but still muscular body.

As quickly they were given as quickly those muscles were taken away. I left the changing room and let Damian finish the testing. I looked around and hoped nobody did catch anything that just happened in that changing room. Thankfully not. A short time later Damian left the locker room, showed me the last clothes and got his good old clothes back on. We made a selection and Damian made the purchase while I waited outside the store, trying to store the beautiful sight I just had in my mind, before we headed back to his home.



Once we arrived, Damian stored the new clothes, he just bought, in his closet. I meanwhile was tasked to make a selection for the first game to play to start off our gaming session. As expected most of his gaming collection contained modern titles that were either online or single-player games as expected, luckily for me he also prepared an old console that featured good old split screen coop. We played for hours, the nostalgia trip from one good old classic to the other was very fun… it also distracted us quite well from the awkward situation in the changing cabin before.

Time flew by and the sun started to set, we ended our gaming session and started making dinner in the kitchen. The images of the changing room came back to me that now my eyes weren’t occupied by games anymore and I had more time to lock onto Damian again. The strong body and the aroused Damian in that cabin… ah… that was a sight I will never forget.

Damian himself got very quiet after our gaming session ended… he must be ashamed of it… at least I know his mind wasn’t here with me in the kitchen but also in the past in that cabin. We finished cooking and ate our dish and changed into pajamas. Damian planned to have a movie night before we went to bed. He prepared the couch and got bowls with variations of snacks ready. Meanwhile I went into the bathroom to get changed. To this point I kept pretending that I forgot about the dressing room situation, even if that was impossible to forget I at least tried to… might be the best for Damian’s feelings, I know too well how embarrassment can stay on your mind forever. At the same time I had the urge to talk with him about it and grow him again. I decided to go with the first thought and got back into the living room. I made myself comfortable on the sofa next to Damian. He was scrolling through his streaming services but wasn’t able to find anything of interest. Minutes passed and the situation got more and more awkward. “I don’t see anything I’d like to watch right now Max…”, Damian said. He handed me the remote to browse but I also couldn’t make up my mind. “Max?…”, suddenly Damian started asking me with an embarrassed expression on his face: “…c-could you do the thing again?… the thing from the changing cabin?”

I was surprised he had the courage to ask but I was also happy that I’d get to see that ripped massive muscle body on him again. “Of course! Come closer…”, I said, trying to tone down my excitement. I slipped my hand behind Damian, to get my hands on his hips again.  I started feeling his thin frame up again. I slowly let my magic do its work on him again. I noticed when it kicked in, Damian boned up just seconds into feeling the growth again. His body once again began to fill with muscle mass. First his abs started to form on his stomach, I did glide my fingers over them as they became more and more cut. His Pecs rose from his chest, tightening his shirt. His arms grew again, becoming 3 times as wide as they were just seconds before. Last but not least I let his legs rise. I got my hand away from behind him as it slowly was buried in the couch by Damian’s heavy torso. I sat down on his Thighs and finished up the growth process. I once again successfully buffed Damian up to a teenage bodybuilder physique. I looked him in the eyes and saw how happy he was about the transformation, so happy he quickly got up and went to the mirror to look at himself, with me following closely behind to check out this massive emo once more.

He wasn’t shy about it, he flexed his powerful body with no concern about what I would think nor concern about his shirt and pants slowly giving in to the size and power of his muscles. He tore his shirt with one simple flex and ripped his pants off to just stand there half naked in just briefs and get off by his beautiful stature in the mirror. The boxer briefs he wore still were intact, but also were stressed by Damian’s hard on responding to the rising pleasure. I slowly approached Damian from behind and felt his body up. My presence was like worship to him, knowing he has the body of a god.

I’m always amazed by the results of my powers, but as I already said, Damian pushes some extra buttons with his shy and emo appearance. “I see you’re enjoying yourself, Damian. Sure better than anything we could’ve been watching on that TV.”, I said seductively. Damian gave me some attention and turned around just to give me a very confident and powerful flex which made my already existing hard on cum. “Julian must be so lucky to be able to experience this every single minute he spends with you.”, Damian drooled over the pleasure the body gives him and flexed for himself in the mirror again.

“Not really… he’s more serious about our relation, doesn’t want me to feel like just a tool for pleasure, which is nice thinking of him actually.”, I explained to Damian who was surprised to hear that, but driven by his arousal he also asked: “Could you make me feel even better? If Julian doesn’t let you do this to him, then do it to me!” I looked at him surprised but then looked at his body and his eagerly twitching hard on leaking in his underwear. I thought about it for a moment, then let my hands glide into the underwear and get a hold onto his throbbing dick. “Well it’s not like I’m not having fun this way with Julian… but I don’t mind going beyond our usual since you’re asking so eagerly.”, I said and started focusing on his dick in my hands. Usually this is what I never change on Julian but for Damian I was willing to give it a go. Damian moaned as his average size dick got bigger and bigger in his underwear. The tearing made Damian even hornier causing him to cum and burst out of the underwear, they ripped off his massive frame in one clean go.



I set my eyes on this massive dick throbbing cum in front of me, begging for more attention, Damian stared at it through the mirror as if it was hypnotizing him. I let my hands off of it and let him once again check himself out in the mirror. He gave himself a few strokes but resisted to jerk himself off, he turned back to me again and said: “You know… you could finish off what you started here.”, and gave me a wink.

My heart skipped a beat as he asked me to jerk him off, but seeing my friend having such a great time with my powers, I couldn’t deny. I laid my hands on Damian’s dick again and started stroking his now much bigger cock. I tried to focus and once again tried to make my powers work. I decided to grow his body size a bit, but mainly his muscles and his cock again. Loud moans escaped Damian’s mouth as the pleasure was unbearable to hide, he flexed every fiber in his body, almost as if he couldn’t take the pleasure and tried to release it. I was concerned and stopped to check on Damian. I didn’t notice that he was already cuming, drenching the mirror in his seed. I looked up to see an out of breath beast pant with a smile. Damian reached the height of almost 2 meters now, which is like 0,3 meters more than he usually is and his muscles were even bigger than in the changing cabin. His Biceps were massive, he easily could lift me up with just one hand.

Damian turned around and looked at me embarrassed… or rather he sounded embarrassed, since his smile was still up and his cock still leaking. “I-I’m… I’m sorry Max… I-I-I got too carried away by your powers.”, Damian admitted with his refreshed mind. I couldn’t help but stroke my dick from seeing this shy emo behemoth apologizing to me. What a weird situation but it’s exactly what I dreamed of.

Damian looked back at the mess he just made, his chest also got some cum on it. “Damn… now I’d have to spend the whole weekend cleaning this massive stain out of the carpet.”, he complained to himself. I was still flashed by the sight, my cute emo friend, with huge muscles, being jerked off by me. I grabbed Damian’s still hard dick and he looked at me ashamed. “Max… what are you doing?!”, he screamed blushing hard. “I’m just finishing what I started! Doesn’t look like you are done yet”, I said and started jerking him off. Damian fell onto his knees, I stroked his dick like I never did before and also had to stroke myself too, after all I also was still hard! Damian looked at me, still embarrassed by it but slowly enjoying the second wave and didn’t hold back to the moans, louder and more accepting with each stroke as he finally released an even larger and more powerful load, so powerful that it shot into my face, which also triggered me to cum. He panted exhausted on the floor, while I first had to wipe off his cum to not breath it in as I also was panting.

“Fuck dude…”, Damian said out of breath, the ‘cum shower’ he just gave me and the mess made him speechless. Our orgasms were certainly on the same level as an equally long workout season, no wonder he was out of breath. “That… was…” I started, but couldn’t find any words either. “awesome…”, Damian said happily. “Yes…” I agreed and we both spent minutes to process this.



“So… When will I get back to normal?”, was the first question Damian asked me while he tried to free his muscular body of the cum. “I never made anyone that big before… but I think less than an hour if considering the massive cum load.”, I said. I could accelerate it using my powers like in the locker room, but I wanted Damian to keep experiencing this build… maybe it’s the final blow for him to join his Boyfriend Dominik in the GYM to work out together. He was so shy about going there, but now he knows what he gets if he sticks to it!

Damian nodded but he didn’t really seem to have heard my assessment. He must be busy with his big body now that he sees it clearly without the pleasure blinding him. He was looking down at me, me who’s 1,80 meters. To Dominik’s 1,65 meters Damian would already be a giant. “Well, you can use the time in this body to develop a feeling for what it is like in such a built body… although maybe not that exact size.”, I told him optimistically. He nodded and checked his body out in the cum drenched mirror again. “And you never did this to Julian before?”, he still was surprised. “Well you can tell him what he’s been missing out.”, I said, wondering how Julian, my Boyfriend, would react to that story. But also how Julian would react to such levels of pleasure I forced into Damian just now.

As we finally were over what just happened, the thought of showering and cleaning up the mess came up. Fortunately, I had spare clothes with me, mine were soaked through with my and Damian’s cum loads, I would be proud of how big my load was if it wasn’t for the wet clothes. “How about taking a shower together? I could accelerate the shrinking process while also giving you a good clean.”, I suggested, he didn’t hesitate to agree. After briefly wiping Damian’s body off with some towels and cleaning the floor and the mirror as good as we could, we entered the bathroom.

I was positively surprised by the large shower, just perfect for the spontaneous group-showering we wanted to do. Entering the shower was a bit awkward since we both had boyfriends. We never did such things before, but since we already crossed the line we now had no issues to be naked in front of each other. We started hosing each other roughly with water to get rid of the cum on our bodies. His huge Dick was 15 cm in size now and quite close to me, but lucky for me it was soft. Damian picked up the shower gel and started applying it onto him and me. He first started spreading it on himself, on his beautiful pecs and abs then he went down to his dick and gave it a good clean and moved to me. I blushed as he started cleaning my dick and then turned me around to clean my back. His hands quickly landed on my butt, giving it a massage. “Did you top Dominik yet?”, I asked, given the situation, I wasn’t sure what Damian had in mind. “He… didn’t let me yet…”, he said disappointed. He turned me around again and cleaned my chest. “You know… you have to be more serious to him for that… like you know he’s quite the alpha… but you could also try to be on that alpha level towards him to finally get to top him.”, I advised. He thought about it and looked at me with a smile. He thought about it and then asked me while turning me around again. “Mind… if I try that with you? The… alpha thing I mean…”, Damian asked blushing while he started to feel my butt up again. I thought that would be too much for him to ask for… but then I thought he needs the confidence to be able to do it to be more convincing and serious towards Dominik later on. I decided to agree and gesturally offered my butt to Damian. He then started to massage my butt cheeks, his cock semi hard tickling my butt cheeks occasionally. I got hard as the situation slowly built up.

Damian was taking a moment to realize what he was about to experience, even when he was a bit disappointed Dominik didn’t let him do it to him he at least now gets to do it to me. Bet Dominik will regret not allowing Damian near the Top but soon will beg Damian to do it to him. Damian gently pushed me away from him to get a better look on me from behind and his dick jumped up in excitement knowing what was to come. It even started leaking, eager to finally do it. He positioned the leaking cock tip on my back, having his precum leak onto my butt, even have himself teased further by having the cock glide on my wet back.

“This is nice and all, but didn’t you want to be more alpha about it?”, I teased him, mimicking Dominik in a way. “Right.”, Damian said and positioned his hard on between my butt cheeks. At first his massive strength pushed me away, not letting Damian slide his Dick in, he quickly grabbed me by the hips and lifted me up, letting me hang in the air and sit me on his hard cock. “Well get ready for a hard ride…”, Damian announced as he forcefully pushed his cock into my butt.

I briefly shouted out in pain as he shoved his dick up my ass. He stopped in concern but didn’t say anything trying to stay in the alpha-role. “It’s… fine.”, I said, overthinking briefly what I got myself into but it’s already too late. Damian still held me up by my hips but then decided to let go, letting his cock slide in even deeper while I thought he already was all the way in. I made some weird noises expressing the surprising second phase of pain. “Don’t worry, won’t go deeper than that.”, He said with a little giggle. It must be feeling very good for him, his cock being massaged by my moving insides and surrounded by pleasant warmth.

He excitedly giggled again, not believing that we are really doing it, he was so happy to finally feel how it is to be the top and not just the bottom. He paused, he calmed his excitement and said: “Let’s get this going.” He got a good grip on my thighs to support me and I felt his Cock leak some more, lubing me up for the upcoming ride.

Then he started thrusting, sliding his cock in and out. At first he was unsure but slowly lost his concerns to maximize his pleasure. His thrusts became more and more aggressive, he went further in and out with each set of thrusts. He moaned, overwhelmed by the pleasure he and his massive body experienced. He was having the ride of his life… and so was I, I who was struggling to keep a clear mind, being overwhelmed by the action inside and out of me. I also started moaning but not just from pure pleasure but also partly from pain. His massive 50 wide cock was so big and thick, I could feel it in my whole body, its aggressive horny nature consuming me for its own pleasure. The pain slowly faded away, all that was left was the pleasure.

Not long after I already had to cum, shooting my load onto the shower wall but an end was nowhere near, despite Damian’s rather small precumming, he still wasn’t nowhere near to being done. He was isolated, nothing around him seemed of interest, not even me who already had his fun with this and came. He was busy unleashing his load into me.

While I was still pleasured by his thrusts I noticed him getting a bit taller again, his dick seemed… to get bigger? I was shocked as I saw a bulge forming on my stomach, each time he thrusted into me and it seemed to only get bigger with each thrust. Then I realized what was going on, my body is giving into Damian’s dedication so much, that it’s growing him again!

I panicked a bit, not sure how much bigger he would get but I couldn’t really look behind me either, all I could do was try to get his attention. “Damian! You are growing! I can’t stop it!”, I shouted out but he seemed not to care. His eyes were looking onto my butt, it seemed like he was hypnotized by his cock sliding in and out and also getting bigger.

I started worrying but then he slowly paused his thrusting. I got an answer while being able to catch a break. He said: “You scared? I might be big but alphas always have to get bigger!”, he replied and started thrusting again, this time faster. I felt him getting taller and buffer, my head got closer and closer to the ceiling. The  thought of him growing bigger again made me cum a second time.

After some more thrusts and moans, he again lets me know about his status: “I’m so close… just a bit m-more, more-”, he said as he suddenly let go of my legs and let me hang in the air, held up by his massive erection. His whole body flexed as his massive load made his way up his cock, ready to be released into me. I screamed in pain and pleasure, desperately trying to get some ground to support myself on but Damian’s size made it impossible for me to reach the floor. The bulge on my stomach got even bigger and pulsated as the cum loads were pumped into me, slowly making its way out of my butt and onto the shower floor.



Damian had some more flexing twitches as his mind finally was clear again and he realized what he just did. He was concerned about me hanging on his gigantic cock, picking me up and getting me off of it and on the ground. A massive splash was audible, it was his load being freed from my butthole. I panted in exhaustion, never have I been fucked so roughly and aggressively before especially with a cock of that size. Guess that’s what Julian meant when he said I could become just a pleasure toy to him if he would give in.

As my feet finally reached the floor I had to lay down, let the cum flow out and my butt to heal itself with my special powers. “Are you… alright?”, the massive muscle behemoth asked in a soft tone, all I could see was a still leaking massive dick that had just been inside of me and some hair sticking out from a massive wall of pecs.

“Just.. let me be for a few minutes…”, I replied. Damian understood, finished up cleaning himself up and carefully made his way out of the shower.

I sat there, on the bottom of the shower, trying to get my head around what just happened. The more I was thinking about it the more I realized what I just did. I made my friend very happy but also used like a toy. I got up with these two conclusions and finished up showering.



Outside the bathroom was Damian, he stood next to the door with a worried expression, his body was now smaller, just the same size as in the living room. Climaxes tend to turn everyone back to their older selves or well at least closer to it since it releases the power. I also never had anyone not go back to something closer to normal after the climax, but neither did I have one manipulate my body in a way to grow without my intention to do so.

“Don’t worry I’m alright, my butt is as good as new.”, I reassured him. “Thank god.”, he lets out. “I’m sorry for how rough I was going in there, Max… I.. really fucked you up.”, he apologized to me and also had to giggle at the wording. I stared at him with a serious glance first, then accepted by giving him a hug. “If you gonna do it to Dominik though, make sure not to fuck him up as bad as me. As much of an alpha he is, he would never recover from this as well as I did.”, I said jokingly, since Damian wouldn’t be able to get that big by himself again, but also since Dominik doesn’t have powers like me. “Yeah… I really went too far on you… I’m so sorry”, he admitted. “too deep.”, I corrected. We paused and then laughed by the little inside jokes piling up.

We made our way to the living room, Damian prepared some of his clothes for me to wear. I dressed up and finally we were able to have the movie night we intended to have like an hour ago. We got on the couch, Damian handed me the remote and asked me to choose something to watch.

I made a selection and before he agreed to my choice he got out his smartphone and asked: “Mind if we take a little selfie, just for memories sake.” I agreed and took the selfie, it was a very nice one and of course Damian’s still big body was beautifully displayed. The movie began and Damian was still on the phone. He put it away as soon as the actual movie began. His phone started playing one notification tone after the other, he quickly muted his phone. “Something wrong?”, I asked. He giggled and only said: “Oh it’s nothing, let’s just keep watching the movie.” I wonder what he did with that selfie…



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