A day at the GYM

Story by Galgadio, enjoy!

It was a regular thursday, Alan entered the gym like any other day, he is a fairly caucasian teen with a strong, muscular body and hair of rather spiky nature, his eyes brown as wood. 

He went to the lockers, as usual, where he spotted another Teenager, around the same age as himself. The teen looked pale and rather scrawny, must be his first day at the gym, with freckles all over his body, his dark brown hair falling downwards and his eyes were colored much like Alans, brown. „Hello.“, Alan said to the stranger. The teen looked startled at first, but soon regained his composure, as he did so, he faced Alan with a kind smile, „Hi, I’m Johannes. Nice to meet y-you“ „I’m Alan.“, Alan replied to Johannes, „Nice to meet you too.“ „I’ve never seen you here before.“ Alan noticed, and promptly Johannes returned „My friend Max told me about this gym, and I thought, I’d check it out.“ Alan smiled at him. „In that case, how about you work out with me? I can give you some advice.“, he offered Johannes, who nodded at him. „That’d be pretty nice.“, he gave as an answer. Together they got into their workout outfits, and headed to the workout maschines. 
Alan’s outfit consisted of just a jockstrap, for some it would be way to exposed, but Alan works out in his dads private section anyways, Johannes on the other hand wore a plain shirt and shorts. Johannes took a moment to admire Alans Bodybuilder Body.

„Alright then, follow my lead~“ Alan said, as he started his usual routine, his outfit showing off every bulging muscle, all of his muscular limbs were shown in their full glory. They were doing sit ups and push ups, to start their workout and warm up. Alan was able to do 100 of each, in a time of 4 minutes, while Johannes only was able to do half of that. „Now for the real workout!~“ Alan started off, lifting weights, weighing about 20 KG. Johannes only was able to lift 8 KG. While that wasn’t much, Alan could see the passion Johannes put into it. „Johannes. I have a suprise for you, just follow me to the lockers, ok?“ Alan looked at Johannes, grinned and then walked off. Out of curiousity, Johannes followed. They walked back to the locker rooms, and Alan got a bottle of pills from his bag, wich he shook, hearing there were still plenty inside. „I think for this it would we best to do it in the showers.“ They went into the gym showers, and to Alan’s suprise they were empty, wich made him grin and smile more. 

„I’ll reward your commitment“ Johannes looked intrigued. „We should get naked for this.“, Alan said to him. As soon as they were undressed, Alan took a pill from the bottle and handed it to Johannes. „Swallow this.“ Alan smiled and then added, pointing at himself: „Enjoy it Johannes. Soon you’ll have a body like yours truly~“ Johannes chuckled. He always wanted to have a body like the teen that stood right in front of him at this very moment. He smiled at Alan, as just the thought of him having a body like him soon, was enough to get him hard. Alan smirked. „The pill works faster with sexual pleasure. My size is the maximum it will go tho, the rest you’ll have to do through workouts after this“, Alan told him,“Speaking of workouts, wanna be workout buds, Johannes?“ Johannes nods, his cock now rockhard with balls the size of ping-pong balls, his mighty sausage must have been about 5 inches or 12 centimeters long, wich made Alan drool. His own cock had hardened, it was only slightly longer than Johannes’, their balls where the same. Alan grabbed the cock of his new workout pal, and moved his hands up and down it’s length, making Johannes moan. The pill immidiately started taking effect making Johannes’s midriff gaining clearly visible abs. Alan kept jerking, Johannes abs getting more visible with each stroke. When Johannes’s abs were like Alans, he stopped jerking off Johannes. Then Alan started sucking off Johannes, his limbs bloating outwards with mass and power. The more Alan sucked, the faster Johannes’ limbs grew. For his final step, Alan turns around, wiggling his ass. Johannes immidietally understood and thrust his cock inside it. With every thrust, the rest of his body followed up with gaining muscle mass, and soon Johannes had the body of Alan, both teens near their orgasms. „Do it bud, I’m ready~“ Alan said, with precum dripping out of his cock. Johannes nodded and with one final, hard thrust, he blew his load of hot semen inside Alan, who was cumming onto the floor tiles of the shower. „Perfect“, Alan smiled, „Let’s wash each other and get back to the gym to finish the workout.“ And so they did. Both now doing the same workout, helping each other in any way the can. 

Soon they were done with their workout, and were covered in sweat. They showered once more, this time without any shenanigans. „That was nice.“, Alan said to Johannes, „Wanna meet at my place, for a drink and some snacks?“ Johannes nods, as Alan handed him a paper with his adress written on it. Alan left the gym in a hurry, leaving Johannes alone in the locker room. 

Johannes looked at the paper and blushed at the fact that his new workout partner lived just two houses down his street, wich brought the newly muscular teen joy. He went home as quick as he could and brought his stuff into his room, then going to Alan’s house, where he knocked at the door. After hearing steps approach, Alan opened it, smiling. „Oh. Hey Johannes. You got here so fast.“, he said. „Must’ve missed me, huh?~“ „I live just two houses up the street, of course I’m quick then“, Johannes said. Alan smiled, letting Johannes inside his house. 

„Make yourelf at home, Johannes~“, he said smiling, as he went into the kitchen, where he prepared some food for the two of them. He peeled oranges and cut apples, as well as two bananas, wich he just left as they were. He also grabbed a bottle of diet coke and two glasses. In the living room, Johannes sat down own the couch, waiting for Alan, who came in with the food. He handed a banana to Johannes, peeling the other one to eat for himself. They both ate their bananas and then the other fruits. „Want a drink?“ Alan asked, pouring the diet soda into the glasses. „Sure.“ Johannes replied, taking a glass, drinking, while Alan did the same with the other one. „I like you Alan.“, Johannes said to Alan, „You’re a great guy and just as great of a friend to me.“ Alan smiled and returned: „I do like you too~“ Alan blushed a little at then asked: „Wanna cuddle a bit?“ Johannes nods, and so they hugged and kissed. Alan took out his phone and then asked:“Mind if I take a photo of us?“ „I do not mind it at all~“, Johannes answered, as Alan kissed him on the cheeck, taking a selfie of the two, then putting his phone away and starting to rub Johannes’ pecs. „I’m glad I met you, Johannes.“, Alan smiled, „with you i got a new friend and workout buddy“ Johannes blushed at this. They were hanging out and watching TV together, until it got dark outside. „Gotta go now.“, Johannes said, getting himself ready to leave. On his way to the door, Alan hugged Johannes one last time and whispered into his ear „See you in the gym tommorow. My workouts will be much more fun with you on my side~“ 

On friday, Alan went into the gym again, heading into the locker room, where Johannes already waited for him. They put on their workout clothes, and did their new routine as a pair. They were workout buds, and close friends, who’d go to the gym together as much as they could.

Bonus version:

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