Growing to the Top

Story by Arubazu, enjoy!

A nerd was pushed against a locker door, his back aching from the force used to send him into it, as he let out a gasp in pain. Opening up his eyes to see the group of bullies that did so to him, as they chuckled aimlessly and delightfully at him. “W-what do you want? I did all I could…”, the nerd spoke out fear ever apparent in his tone. “You know little Jamesy, you did my homework, you did school project, but you know what sometimes… sometimes I just like to mess with yah.”, the leader of the bullies said to James as he slammed him back into the lockers and dropped him. 

James shuttered with fear as he looked up towards those looming shadows that ever so looked back with a cacophony of cruel laughs and smiles. “Thanks for being my punching bag for today Jamesy.”, the leader of the bullies said as he lead his parade of misfits away. Another nerd boy hiding around the corner rushed over, putting an arm under James shoulder and looking at him with extreme concern. “A-are you alright…?”, the teen asks. James looks at him through his cracked glasses, dark emotions muddled in his heart but he swallowed them down to force a fake smile. “Y-yeah… I’m okay…”, he said as his lips quivered in that smile. 

Being led down to the nurses office as the boy who helped James was named Rylie and the two conversed about shared interest. As they got into the nurses office and finding that she wasn’t there the two continued their exchanges. Rylie was a school year under James but just as nerdy in both book smarts and comic smarts. It helped James quench the dark part of his heart as he soon thought today wouldn’t be all bad.

Rylie motioned for James to take off his shirt, James blushing in embarrassment but he knew the reason why, taking it off to reveal the slight scaring from where the metal of the lockers hit his back. There was silence between the two for a moment, grim expressions of undercut hate and sadness. The silence that was broken as soon as Rylie went in to treat the wounds with a cotton ball full of rubbing alcohol, James let out a loud gasp. “S-sorry…”, Rylie apologies to hurting his newfound friend but, “N-no… you know how it is… that stuff just… hurts…”, James groans as he takes the pain hearing his friends voice almost soothing. After a few more pats and groans he manages to clean the wounds and the two begin to head their separate ways that day. 

Meeting back up the next day to converse in jolly talks and stay in the library for cooperative read and shares of their favorite comics. Unbeknownst to Rylie however James had been working on an experiment and tomorrow was the day he would show him what it can do. Although… James had some second-guessings of whether or not to do it… that is when they appeared around the corner. 

Rylie was the first to hit by one of them, a strong blow to his face as he stumbled onto the ground with a loud thud. Body unmoving for a moment that sent a cold shiver down James back. He turns back towards the group of bullies, his fear mixing with anger turning into pure Malice: “W-what did he do to you?”, James asks his legs wobbling with fear but standing his ground to prevent his friend from taking another hit. “Mmm… Nothing really. You nerds are always such easy picking!”, The leader said grabbing James by his brown hair, James holding his hand back attempting to pull him off, to stop the pain, but the bully leaders grip was strong… too strong… and he struggled as he took another gut punch. “You forgot something… didn’t you…”, the leader whispered in James ear: “…you didn’t pay your dues… and now look what you made me do.”, the bully leader says with a cackle, his posie laughing behind him as well. 

Rylie manages to get up and attempts to tackle the leaders but is kicked off just as easily. “Aww… looks like the dweeb has a friend… all the better, that means I have two!”, the leader puts his foot against Rylie’s chest. Slowly applying pressure to cause him to scream. “You both will be doing my homework… and my make up work… are we clear?”, the leader says in a hushed tone filled with intimidation. 

With no concern how they would feel towards him but he just applied more pressure to the both of them to force out his desirable answer. The two screaming yes as loud as they could to get him to stop and making the big bully smile as he left the two on the floor. Walking away with a forlorn warning: “You have till tomorrow to make up all that make-up work…”, as he walks down the hallway posie in tow. 

James gives Rylie a shake and some more to check and see if his friend was alright. Till he saw Rylie look at him and then give a gentle smile. “You… okay?…”, He say before coughing, his chest still feeling the tightness from the bullies pressure. “I-I’m fine…”, James says as the darkness in him returns, anguish and anger fills his heart. “I wish we could fight back… but we’re so… small…“, Rylie says to James’s shock. Hearing his kinda friend being actively antagonistic to him when usually he tells James to ignore them was quite the double take. “M-maybe we can…”, James says as he asks if his friend could walk. Rylie was taken aback by James’s comment as they limped out of the school.

It took a while and bus ride home for the two nerds to be able to walk off the pain, but soon they were at James’s house. Rylie was confused by what James had said earlier but he followed along knowing James by now he had no reason to say that without reason. Soon being led to James home and into his basement filled o the brim with sciencey tech equipment unlike something out of the comic books the two of them read time and time again. Rylie was stunned to silence as James gestured to everything. 

“Wooah…”, Rylie gasped in a near hushed tone unable to believe what he was seeing but was honestly impressed turning to the James who smiled showing the braces and his apparent geeky visage. All the machinery hummed to life as James pulled a lever bringing some screens to read out a few numbers and letters within them. “It took a few weeks and… swindling some money out of those jocks for doing their homework… but… I made myself this…”, James says as he typed on a nearby keyboard making steam sound out loud within the machinery, soon revealing a tube of some sort as tall as the ceiling of this 10ft basement. 

Rylie looked at it still struck by awe and turned to James to ask the question: “What is this..?”, Rylie questioned before he could see James giving him a nod. “If everything works out correctly… this would be the end of our problems against the jocks by making us get strong like them!”, James says as he smiles although the way he worded it hid his own doubts of whether or not it would work. “What do you mean?”, Rylie continue to question as James pointed to one of the screens. “This is a sorta body augmentation device I developed that would make us get strong, strengthening muscle and bone to unparalleled heights possibly… I never got the opportunity to test it before and in all honesty I was going to scrap this project…”, James carried on: “…but then… you got caught up by the jocks glare and now… I was fine being the only target of them but now that your involved… I can’t help but feel responsible…”, James said looking at Rylie. Rylie paused for a moment and then hugged his friend: “hey don’t worry too much about that… if push came to shove I coulda just dropped outta school and become a computer science geek… I mean it’s not like I don’t have the brain power.”, Rylie responded the two laughing before wincing in pain as their wounds hadn’t fully healed yet.

After a bout of sciency discussion between the two, analyzing and making sure all the modifications and settings were correct. The two geeky yet brilliant minds working together to forge their newfound payback but soon came the issue of testing the machine. 

James looked at Rylie and gave him a knowing nod. “W-what no… are you crazy?”, Rylie questioned. “Maybe… I mean I did make this…”, James replies as he begins to take off his clothes. His nude body before Rylie showed him his speckled skin and his geeky smile. Thin tufts of hair that were shamefully growing out of his armpits and against his crotch area but it was something. 

Soon came the time when James mashed a couple of buttons on the machine setting up the changes before taking a deep breath in and out. He turns to Rylie still holding onto his clothes before giving him a knowing nod. “Once I step into the machine, press the enter key…”, James says as he steps into the chamber, the steam consuming his appearance leaving only a shadowy visage. 

“READY!!”, James shouts as Rylie presses the enter key, the chamber closing with a mechanical wir and soon a bright light consumed the room. Rylie could hear the loud groans of James and watched as the visage changed shaped slowly but surely. Getting inch after inch taller and wider, he could see the visage flex as those biceps were growing into view within those shadows. The thickening of his legs as they widen with rippling and powerful muscle, his chest lurching forward as powerful pecs pop onto his chest. As well as down below as Rylie could see the lurching of his cock and balls following more moans from James. 

The glow soon halted and steam poured out into the room, covering Rylie’s feet as the steam flowed past. His mind racing with whether or not his friend was okay as soon what stepped out was a hunk unlike anything he ever seen.

To say James looked like a bodybuilder would be an understatement as his bulging biceps and chiseled pecs moved as he flexed them to check out his own body. Pec’s popping one by one, biceps rounding out like watermelons on his arms, abs at an impressive 10 count as they rippled down his torso. Below were his powerful legs and not to leave out that massive cock he gained too. Like as much as he moaned while he was changing it was clear he was still soft and well that hot rod was down to his knees. Let alone those massive balls that Rylie could only assume held a copious amount of cum in them if they wanted to and not just that but his body hair on his armpits and pubes sprouted out a bit more too. Like mini forests in those locations becoming a real hunk of a teen. “So… I’m guessing by your slack jaw… it was successful…”, James said with the smuggest grin his friend has ever seen of him. Maybe it was just Rylie’s subconscious but he feels as though maybe even his attitude changed a bit.

“Well… now that it’s been successful… guess who’s next?”, James said flexing his bicep and stroking his cock, thoroughly looking like he was enjoying his need body. Rylie pondered it for a moment: “Y-your gonna go again?!”, he question before James chuckled at him: “No, you goof, now it’s your turn.”, James says sauntering over to Rylie showing his newfound height put him just a head taller than his friend as he stared straight into his massive pecs. 

 James pushed Rylie into the tube and turned it on himself, the sounds of clothes tearing and boyish moaning filled the room. The tube opened once more, Rylie covered in his tattered clothes and muscles equally as massive as James, he held a pout thought. “Dude, you coulda let me change…”, he said with a pout taking off his nerdy glasses because to his surprise he didn’t need them anymore. “Dude… I think your experiment fixed my eyes too…”, he followed up taking off the tattered clothes and proceeding to enjoy his newfound stature. “Oh… an added side effect I suppose huh…”, James noted in his mind as he writes it down on a notepad nearby. Snapping the pencil in twain and grunting as he makes another note to get used to his newfound muscles. The two teens felt good about themselves now, massive muscles bulging as they flexed, feeling each other’s hardened bodies and checking to see how real this new stature was and it was nothing short but as real as the ground they stood on. “I got a pair of clothes upstairs but tomorrow those jocks won’t know what hit them…”, James says as he clasps fist with Rylie and they prepare for tomorrows little confrontation.

It all started in the hallway, the two used to be nerds strutting down the hallway in muscle shirts and sweatpants to show off their enormous gains. Their pecs even spilling out the side of that muscle shirt being so massive and the direction they were heading was nowhere else but the library. They’re usual hangout were they get ambushed by the jocks lackeys who were standing at the front of said section of the building to ambush them. “Hey boys… looking for us?”, James teases, arms folded to make his biceps bulge as he stood and stared them dead in the face. Rylie did a muscular flex from behind him showing off how there wasn’t 1 threat but now 2, and most of the Jocks went pale as they fell over in fright and shock. 

The jock leader hearing a bunch of commotion walks out of the library with another nerd under his arm, grimacing at his compatriots at what they could possibly be screaming at, only to look up and see two muscular nerds looking at him. 

James taking the first move grabbing him by the collar of his varsity jacket and pulling him closer and off the ground. “So… do you mind… you’re in the way of us teaching your minions a lesson… your gonna be last so we can savor your beating…”, James says with a hint of malice behind his tone. Rylie clasping his hands into fists: “Yeah… you gave us a world of hurt and well… we want to return the favor.”, he says grabbing the leader by the hand and squeezing, causing him to shout in pain before the two dropped him on the floor. 

The two boys walked up to the jocks who trembled in fear and one by one, blow for hefty blow knocked them out leaving the leader the last one standing. “Remember when you said… you wanted us to do your homework?… well… now that were the big boys how about a bit of role reversal.”, James threatens as his foot was atop of the jock leaders chest. He slowly applied pressure in order to insight a point of dominance already and Rylie knelt over the jock leader himself smirking mischievously. Giving him a pluck on the forehead as he tried to blink enough to see if he was dreaming but he was waking up to his newfound horrid reality. “You will be our lackeys for the time being… and you‘ll be at our beck and call… are we clear…?”, James states applying more pressure, the jock leader tapping out unable to speak against his slowly crushed lungs and James smiled as he released him to go run off with his posse. 

“Now that we let them off… you think they’ll come back for revenge?”, Rylie questioned. “ Hmm… probably… they’re idiots so they might need another lesson.”, James responded. “Good… would be fun to put these puppies to work!”

The two would be nerds if not for their sculpted bodies dominated over the jocks, a reversal of situations so to speak that made the jocks quiver in their boots and some of the other bullied nerds cheer-em on. Cockily strutting down the halls from class to class as looks of fear and admiration showed from side to side. Honestly they loved every moment of it and they could help but sometimes flex to show off their scientifically wrought gains off. 

During gym class one of the jocks that bullied them got a full feature of their chiseled body as they took off their clothes, seeing those pecs, those biceps, them abs. Those thick thighs and wide wings, he couldn’t help but look however something else, that caught him off guard, is their thick cocks. 

Bulging in their underwear so much that if the word obscene was in the dictionary. Their two dicks combined would be the full page for those massive packages. The thick forest of pubic hair just above them as the jock eyes trailed back up to see that the boys were looking and they were smirking at him knowing he was looking. The boys attempted to get changed in their old gym clothes but the outfits were to small, Shorts barely capable of wrapping up their cocks and asses comfortably and made them more closer akin to a second layer of underwear. As well as the shirts not even capable of moving pass their abs. 

However they didn’t mind, just more of a chance to show off their I’ll gotten gains to the class. Strutting out of the gym locker room with such confidence, and that jock wrapped under their shoulder as a another forest of armpit hair brushed against the side of his face. 

They were gonna have another round of payback and this jock was terrified of what’s to come. “So… James… what sport do you think we should play… maybe football… soccer… rugby…”, Rylie asked his cohort, all very physical sports to get up close and person. “I dunno… what do you think, Adam?”, James spoke out his would be aggressor out by name in a tone chilling to his bone. “I-I…”, the jock spoke in fearful stutters. The words getting caught in his throat as the consequence of his actions all came back to bite him in the butt. “How about a round of dodgeball?”, James added causing Rylie to smile and Adam the jock to shutter in fear, his head almost moving automatically to say no but the two muscled nerds didn’t listen. “Oh don’t worry, we won’t throw to hard…”, James tells the Jock with his fingers crossed behind his back. 

A bold lie but the idiot meathead believed him as he breathed a sigh of relief. It came to the point where the ball was being thrown and the little match between the 3 started with the jock in the middle. A predicament if there ever was one but the Jock was confident he could do it. A confidence that would be short lived as the first ball thrown at him hit him so hard it winded him, impacting him in the stomach and dropping him on the floor. He slowly managed to get up before another ball hit him on his back sending him right back down. He was being rebounded back and forth, pelted with rubber cannons it more felt like it than balls. As the game ended the two muscled nerds smiled and clasped each other’s hands into an arm flex. Biceps bulging massively. “I-I thought you said you wouldn’t throw to hard…”, the battered jock says on the floor. “Oh well… I sorta lied, I mean didn’t you do that all the time Adam…”, James replied stating a fact and a brutal memory for the both of them. “They should say revenge is best served with rubber balls cause that was fun!”, Rylie added to which James nodded as well.

The two left the jock to wallow in misery and memory as the two nerds went to the showers and left the school to go home. The revenge they tasted today was sweeter than any candy, and almost worth a million dollars to see the faces of their would be aggressors again. However, there was another pleasure being missed out on as James sat in his bed his pajama pants barely fitting with his newfound muscle and cock barely capable of being contained within but somehow he was able to make due. 

Tonight however it was time to seek out that pleasure as he slides down those garments to reveal his long schlong. The shaft still reached down to his knee but as he gave it a few strokes to get it excited really did become the definition of a third leg. 

James moans softly in pleasure: “let’s see what you can do.”, He says rubbing his hands against his dick stroking it making his massive muscles work for him. His body singing in pleasure as he keeps his thrusts going causing his hips to buck a powerful stallion. He can feel his pleasure rising, his climax creeping ever closer as his balls begin to leak out pre-cum out of his tip. Balls churning out copious amounts as it gets ready for the sticky finish as he keeps going, moans growing longer as gets ever closer. “Yes… this part… feels amazing…”, James groans out through gritted teeth as the euphoria he feels is top notch above any other masturbation session he ever dared to have. His bodies massive muscles were singing him praises almost as if he was giving himself the final reward after a long day at work. James massive cock throbs heftily: “oooh so close…”, James says licking his lips to prepare for the final moments. His balls generate more and more cum as soon he can feel a thick lump rise up from the base of his cock, his climax coming to fruition as that lump moved into the tip and out came his thick copious seed. James moaning loudly as a flash flooding of cum spewed out of him in great waves, loads after loads of the cum shooting into the ceiling from the sheer force his cock was capable of shooting at before raining back down. Covering him pec to ab to his thick thigh in his cum. Before he ends up letting out a satisfied sigh and lying down drifting off to sleep, however his body wasn’t finished singing praises just yet.

As James fell asleep his body still hummed and sung in delight for he was once again growing in the night, his mind drifted into his slumber but his body made him sleepily moan. Pec’s expanding causing his tight pajama shirt to already tear off, revealing those stone slabs of pecs pushing out and widening. Biceps growing from melon-sized to near cannon-ball in size and power as his shoulders and traps widen and adjust for his new muscular frame. Abs going from the near impossible 10 to the mythical 12 count surpassing any bodybuilder from now to the edges of time. His body stretched taller from his 6ft to 7ft frame to balance out all his muscles as his legs crept over the edge of the bed which grew thicker with the muscle that packed on through the night. His bed creaked and groan with all the added weight and soon some of the bedframes snapped and broke. James’s cock not being left out lurched forward and thicker and bigger than before, cock being the real 3rd leg soft and with balls the matched his massive biceps in size. 

James let out pleasured groans as his body stopped growing, his forest like armpit hair being exposed as he tucked his bicep behind his head using the massive muscle as a strong pillow. Slumbering through the night with pleased snores and groans, his muscles sleepily flexing as if excited to be seen come tomorrow.

The morning sun rose as his phone rang on his nightstand: “ugh… who…”, came James reverbing tones and groans as he woke up from his deep slumber, not realizing his growth through the night he turns to the nightstand and glares at it. 

A quick check of the caller ID showed it to be Rylie and sleepily he answered it, “What do you want bro?…”, James answered before taking a moment to be surprised internally how he answered. “Duuuude… have you checked out your body yet?…”, Rylie answered sounding a bit… different in his mannerisms: “…I just woke up and got to check out my sick bod today.”, Rylie continued, James realizing he definitely sounded different. 

“Bro… I dunno what your tal-…”, His tone cut short as he took a glance at himself in the mirror. Finding himself to be more than just a simple college hunk, No he went beyond even a bodybuilder now. He was almost herculean in size and musculature, hand grabbing his third leg the massive cock flexing in pleasure but still soft. “Wooah dude!…”, James said in hushed amazement. “Yeah, I think whatever your experiment did… it’s still going bro…”, Rylie said from his phone: “…I grew a bit bigger too bro and wanted to see if it happened to you as well… gotta admit tho, this shits awesome!”, Rylie added on sending an image of himself posed in his mirror. 

James smiles and nods: “Yeah… at this point… we’re the top dogs of the school with no one to contend!-”, James adds, “-Can’t wait to see those stupid jocks faces when we take their positions as a two man sport army!”,  James continued. “You really think they would really try, bro, I don’t think we would even need to practice.”, Rylie added with a chuckle. As the two planned out their day their muscles changing their mind and bodies to become the real alphas of the school.

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