Intimate Relationship (Story)

Story by Arubazu, Enjoy!

It had been just 2 days, 2 whole days since Damian left for his family trip out the country, and in those 2 days Dominik has been horribly missing his boyfriend. He has been occupying his time by working out and as he got home from the gym for the night, body hot and sweaty all over, he smirks as he moves to the bathroom. 

His only way he can have lovely times with his boyfriend is these loving back and forth’s, as Dominik snips a pic on his phone of his hot and sweaty body and then sends it off to Damian. Waiting patiently in the bathroom as he sees the dotted symbols as Damian types back. He smiles as he gets a thumbs up emoji and: “I like what I see”. Dominik responds back, “Can’t wait to have you come back so you can feel all this up!”, with another picture of him flexing. Dominik was pretty built with nicely shaped biceps like handballs, a broad set of pecs and column cobble stone legs too.

Damian sent a picture back of his face as if showing surprise to the muscles, a sight he’s seen time and time again but the image made Dominik laugh. A response pings his phone: “You really been going hard at the gym, huh?”, Damian sent out with a curious looking emoji. “Yeah… gotta get ready for my boy when he comes back.”, Dominik responds back with a more secretive emoji. Damian responds back with a few blushes before he could see the tantalizing ‘Ooooh’ Dominik was fishing for. “You mean this?”, Damian sending his chest and dick as an image in showing off his less so sculpted form but Dominik didn’t care about the lack of muscles, he loved to see his boyfriends body on any chance he gets. It was clear at the moment, Damian was in their hotel room seeing the fact the other teen was sprawled out in his bed in the picture, so Dominik decided to take it a step further. 

Dominik pulls down his workout shorts, slapping his cock on the bathroom sink, unveiling more to be seen about his body before sending the image off. “And you get to have this…”, Dominik responds, showing his hand pointing to his cock. It was clear that Damian was having trouble typing as the dots appeared and disappeared repeatedly. Till finally he got a video this time of Damian slowly stroking his cock. Pre-cum leaking out of its tip from his already heightened horniness, a response strong enough to make Dominik respond in kind, as he slowly pumps his softie into a nicely sized hard one. With a few more pumps to follow through as well getting him closer to that climactic edge, he sends the video out to Damian, before continuing his stroking session. 

The two teens continue their back and forth’s, pleasuring themselves with bitten back moans as they continue to feel their climax drawing closer and closer. Hips bucking, lips quivering and dicks twitch as they ever so sensually get closer and closer to their loads shooting out, before finally they moan as they let out a load of spunk from their cocks. Damian sends out an image, showing Dominik’s just rewards for getting him hard and horny. “Look what you made me do~”, written in text just under the image. Dominik sends an image of his dick on the bathroom sink, cum strewn all over the basin and the facet with a smiling winking emoji to follow it. Both teens laugh heavily as they delight in the sight. 

After a brief pause basking in each other’s afterglow, Damian begins to start up a call with Dominik so they can hear each other’s voices. Dominik smirks as he answers the phone call as he strips the rest of his sweaty clothes off to get ready for a shower.

“Hey Domi… had fun?”, the coy reserved voice said over the phone, teasing Dominik into a smirk before he could respond.

“Mmmhh I dunno… did you? I know you love my dick…”, Dominik teases back, poking a laugh out of his boyfriend to get him to chuckle.

“Ah… yeah… yeah… ”, Damian responds as he chuckles a bit more. “Anyways how you been, hasn’t been what 4 hours since we last chatted?”, Damian follows up his tone getting more casual and laid back.

“Mmm you know me, working out… gaming… missing my adorkable boyfriend…”, Dominik lists out as he points out his daily routine. “And you, having fun on your trip with your family?”, Dominik asks.

“Yeah… it’s unfortunate I had to be outta town, but Mom wanted to have some bonding time with me and her brother. It’s been kinda fun seeing a few things here and there, here let me send a picture.” Dominik’s phone vibrates and he can see Damian posing with his family next to some sights in Paris, France. Mostly just a few side restaurants, old timey buildings and few roadways.

Dominik smiles at the photo, some obviously taken from his uncle to show off Damian and his rare shy smile. Especially not being the most outgoing individuals, but Dominik always enjoys the rare moments of happiness he gets to see from his emo boyfriend. “Have you seen the Eiffel Tower yet?”, Dominik asks genuinely curious.

Damian responds with a chuckle: “Who hasn’t, was the first thing my mom wanted to see, gotta say pretty woahing once you get right next to it…”, Damian candidly states. Giving rise to a chuckle out of both of them. “And now I’m sitting in my hotel room cleaning up my spunk cause my boyfriend got me aroused.”, Damian pokes fun again.

“Alright, alright but it’s one of our many bonding activities, can’t miss out.”, Dominik jokes back, his face growing into a bright smile as he stood still nude in the bathroom. “At least you’re not sweaty and covered in your spunk and need a shower.”, Dominik teasingly bites back, Damian lets out a light chuckle followed by: “Haha gross, go shower dude.”

“Well just to let you know I’m about to.”, Dominik affirms to his boyfriend before leaning down against the bathroom sink. “Uhh… how much longer till you get back dude… it’s kinda really boring without you…”, Dominik pouts. “Just 2 more days, my mom wants to do a few more activities here before heading back, like horseback riding.”, Damian responds. “H-horseback riding? In Paris?!”, Dominik perplexed responds before Damian corrects him. “Yes there is a place just outside of Paris my uncle knows. He says it’ll be fun buuut… I have my reservations…”, Damian’s voice fighting back a bit of disappointment in his tone trying to hide some excitement buuut it was all too apparent for Dominik. 

“W-well it could be fun… plus if you get some pictures of yourself looking strong on a horse, it’ll be a good image to show to our friends.”, Dominik stammers a bit trying to convince his boyfriend it might be fun indeed. Damian went silent for a moment. “Plus I know you’d look hot in that sleeveless hoodie I got for you.”, Dominik coerces, Damian smiling, responding, “Alright… alright I’ll give it a shot…”, Damian tries his best to fight back the smile but Dominik can hear his quivering tone as though the little compliment sparked fireworks of joy into his boy.

“And what will you do while I’m still out those two days?”, Damian asks curiously what his boyfriend would get up to while he would be gone for the day. “Hmm dunno yet… maybe play that game you got for me that you said I’d love.”,  Dominik responds scratching his head over the possible things he might do: “Maybe I’ll go meet Max and Julian to hang out with, or just work out some more… I dunno I’ll roll with the day as I see fit…”, Dominik adds as he motions over to turn on the shower. “So at this point just see you when you get back?”, Dominik asks in curiosity, before getting a response. “Yeah see you when I get back.”, Damian responds with a light kiss.

Dominik takes a shower and gives the Bathroom a good clean-up, before he grabs his phone and heads to bed in just his underwear. Longingly looking at a picture his boyfriend took before rolling over to sleep for the rest of the night.

The next day Dominik spent with playing the game his boyfriend told him about that would be just up his alley. However the problem was he got himself stuck in a part of the game, sending a text to his boy and an image he waited for a response. “Ahh that part, huh?…”, Dominik got an opportunity to chat about the encounter. Luckily for him he wasn’t out and about yet just in his hotel room, Damian starts up a video call so he can have more adept instructions. 

“Can you hear me?”, Damian calls out in the video call, wearing that sleeveless hoodie his boyfriend asked him to wear for their horse riding.

“Yeah I can hear you… looking sharp too~”, Dominik comments causing his boy to blush a bit before getting back to business.

“Stooop I’m here to help you, hmm yeah sorry I forgot to tell you about this part, but you wanna look up and too the right and go there.”, Damian instructs as Dominik does his best to follow the instructions. Dominik sends his character along the way to find his way out.

“Ahh… thank you.. I was getting stuck… WHAT!?”, Domink gets up and shouts as his character dies, before turning back to the phone with a glare. Damian nervously chuckled.

“Sorry forgot to tell you that part wasn’t over… or easy…”, Damian addresses before motioning Dominik to continue. 

The two teens begin to attempt their next go around, dodging and weaving between the obstacles ahead. The parkour was difficult but still exciting for Dominik as he did his best to maneuver left and right. That is before the difficult combat started up as well that made things even more for the lack of a better word exciting. 

“Damiii… we’re about to leave!”, A woman’s voice called out from the background of Damian’s video call, causing the teen to mutter a grunt in dismay but just then he turns back to see Dominik had completed the part. He was looking confident at the screen before turning to the phone.

“Easy… if it wasn’t for that part I woulda been there sooner.”, Dominik pridefully boasts to his boyfriend before Damian chuckles and picks up his phone gathering a few things. 

“Hey so I have to go now, ooh which reminds me, apparently I over estimated how long it’ll take for us to get back home. We already did the horse riding and are heading home now actually!”, Damian says excitement riddled in his voice.

“WHAT?! THAT’S-… that’s great!!”, Dominik shouts before catching himself, the teen getting a bit too worked up about that revelation.

“Yeah, yeah… so see you sooner than I thought… Ooh and I’ll send you those pictures of our horse riding adventures along the way. See you then.”, Damian mentions as he picks up his bag and waves at the phone, Dominik waves back before the video call ends. 

The two teens excited for what’s to come in terms of finally being reunited after a long term apart, well it was only like 3-ish days but still. To the love birds it felt agonizingly boring to be apart from one another for that long.

Such time apart deserves a little extra bit of excitement to spice up their reunion, Dominik smirks almost mischievously as an idea crosses his mind he heads to his closet with his mini fridge. There he had a secret stash full of the item he’d use just to give his boyfriend the just surprise he’d definitely would like to see.

He ponders when he’d should use it but decide it’d be best to wait till when Damian would be closer to home so he can have a significant window period. Especially since his secret weapon was hyper-potent growth stuff, courtesy of his friend Max, and it be hard to resist getting into it without his partner in crime. He holds out his phone and texts his partner: “Tell me when you’re about to get home I want you to come over, for a little… surprise~”, Dominik added in a few winking emoji’s that really hammered down the point.

Dominik gets a message back that’s a thumbs up confirming what he would want to hear before heading downstairs to talk to his parents.

It was the next day and Dominik got the message announcing Damian’s arrival back home last night but the other teen would sleep the rest of the night in and meet him in the morning. Fair being that he probably had to help his mom and uncle unpack the souvenirs they bought on their trip. Damian just recently texting to Dominik that he’s on his way, which begets a grin out of the white-haired teen. His mischievous smile grins from ear to ear as he begins to set his plan in motion. He reaches for the growth stuff that he set out on the nightstand that night pops off its top and begins to happily down the contents.

As the hyper-potent growth drink mixes into his system he can feel his body alight in a tingling sensation that spreads out from his stomach all out to the rest of his body. Dominik moans in his bedroom as he looks down noticing his body slowly but surely changing. His shirt gets tighter and tighter as his chest bulges out more and more. Pecs becoming quite the shelf of muscles as they bulge forward more and more, ripping the front of his shirt down revealing his shuffling abs that chisel even deeper onto his stomach. As his deeply chiseled 6 became a magnificent 8, and as the shirt rips even further to pop open showing off the awe-inspiring 10 pack. Dominik’s shoulders broaden as his traps thicken around his neck, shirt peeling off and fluttering to the floor, as he lifts up his biceps that grow to be the size of handballs. Plump round muscles on his arms as he lets out a satisfied moan, feeling the dual peaks on his arm as they swell massively as he flexes them. Dominik moans as he feels his lower half begin to catch up, as his pants tighten up more and more as his fit legs broaden. The leg muscles forming into thick columns akin to marble columns, so thick and full of detailed power as they rip his pants leg apart from thigh to thick rounded calve. Dominik moans flexing his powerful thigh muscles with a smirk. His ass plumping up as well ripping out the back of his newfound tattered shorts as he feels them up.

“And now the piece of resistance…”, Dominik in anticipation moans as he feels his bulge swell bigger… and bigger… and bigger!!! The front zipper being pulled down exposing the bulge in the tattered remains of his underwear. His swells even further as the base of his cock pops the button of those said remains, and again as it bulges erect, becoming a foot long apostle of sex, in front of him. Dominik smiles as he sways his hips side to side before he feels it swell again: “w-wait.. that’s not… right?!”, Dominik groans in confusion. He can feel the pleasure move down to his balls as they plump out full of cum ready to shoot, becoming grapefruit sized just under his mighty shaft. As Dominik feels up the size of his balls he sees his cock throb and swells again. “It’s not supposed to get… ahh… that big-”, Dominik moans, feeling his cock grow to 45cm (1½ ft). He reaches for his phone, the euphoria his new muscled body was feeling and still growing cock made it ever so difficult to type, but he manages to ask where Damian is.

Damian gets a text on his phone: “Where are you now?”, he reads as he stands in front of Dominik’s house. He simply responds back with: “I’m here”, before seeing a message back from Dominik reading “I need your help… with something…”, what could Domi need his help with Damian thought, pondering over this he walks into the front door.

Now inside he surmises where Dominik might be, not even bothering to call out to him as he heads up the stairs to his boyfriends bedroom. He can hear the moans inside the room and finds himself curious if he caught his boyfriend jerking off at home alone again. As he opens the door, he finds himself caught in a different sight, the teen super buffed up like a bodybuilder flexing his massive biceps. His throbbing cock twitching hungrily in front of the two of them before Damian can see it swell and grow to 60cm (2ft) long mighty shaft. “O-ooh… hehe… caught me at a bad time…”, Dominik jokes as he tries his best to fight back the shivers of euphoria he feels to focus on his boyfriend.

“But as you can see now, your surprise gift is to have some fun helping me out here…”, Dominik groans as he watches his cock swell and grow to 90cm (3ft) long now. “Might be better to go fast cause that thing… doesn’t seem to want to stop growing…”, Dominik comments with a chuckle swinging his hips side to side. Damian hungrily looked at his boyfriend’s shaft since it’s been so long since they had a good fuck. 

Damian strips down and Dominik smiles as he hoists his boyfriend up using his muscles, Damians ass puckers unsure whether or not he would be ready to take in a 90cm (3ft) monster of a dick, as Damian turns to look into Dominik’s eye’s to find his lustful gaze, that turns him on even further, he feels the dick slowly slide into his hole spreading his ass and legs wide.

Damian moaning and crying out in pain and pleasure. The duo began their hefty fuck session as Dominik thrusts into his lifted partner with Damian’s stomach bulging due to the sheer size of his massive cock inside of him. Damian moaning and crying out as tears come near to dripping out of his eye’s the euphoric feeling of being railed tackled with the pain of having something so big inside of him. The loving warmth and throbbing heat of Dominik’s cock, coupled with the feeling of his organs having to rearrange themselves to fit this throbbing shaft moving inside.

“Ahh… s-stop…“, Damian moans out barely able to take anymore. However Dominik takes this as ‘don’t stop’ as he thrusts into his boyfriend even harder and deeper, the bulge in Damian’s stomach growing larger as the 90cm (3ft) shaft throbs deeper into the teens hole with more of it in. Pre-cum oozing into and outta Damian’s ass with every hefty buck of Dominik’s stallion of a cock, unaware that the slight pre-cum was also changing Damian making him stronger in kind too.

As the pale emo teen finds the pain fade slowly into sheer pleasure, muscles ripple onto his thin frame from head to toe. As goes from thin to having slight definition, to even fit in mere moments and he’s not done growing yet. The two lost in their hot sex, sweaty from all the effort, don’t even notice beyond the fact their moans get louder and louder.

“Ahh… no… mooooore…”, Damian moans out as the pain still rings in his hole but fades ever so gently turning into more and more pleasure. His fit body changing even further as his pecs broaden out and biceps become like baseballs of round muscle, a nice 4pack of abs, that spread apart because of Dominik’s still growing cock as he can feel that hefty shaft throb even bigger. The throbbing 1,2m (4ft) shaft spreading Damian’s hole wide open made the shy teen groan in pain once again.

Soon though the thrust bears the fruits of the arduous labors of sex, Dominik felt his massive balls churn full of cum as his climax draws nearer and nearer. Damian groaning as the more his boyfriend’s pre-cum spurts into his insides the more the other teen grows as well. Spurts of spunk spilling out of Damian’s ass as his body swells even bigger and buffer. Muscles swelling thicker as his biceps grew to like melons, pecs pushing forward more and more, abs getting to a magnificent 8 count, and legs growing truly thicker. Dominik finally with a loud moan and cums into his lover, making Damian grow even further as his muscles and body swells even bigger with this time his cock growing too as it grows foot after foot up Dominik’s pecs.

Sliding between them as the emo teen grows past his bodybuilder build and is absolutely massive. Dominik opens his eyes and sees himself faced to face with Damian’s 1,8m (6ft) long cock throbbing in front of his face and slid snuggly between his massive pecs. Damian’s body hulking with muscles now granted to him as Damian pants and moans in pleasure before opening his eyes to see his newfound changes as well.

Dominik pulls out of Damian and sets him down as cum spurts out of his hole, dripping onto the scattered clothes the emo teen left on the floor. Damian pouts and with a quick motion bends Dominik down onto the bed reversing the situation.

“H-hey… what’s the big idea?!?!”, Dominik pants out still exhausted. “Domi!!! I told you to stop cause you got bigger inside me!!!”, Damian growls out as he positions his cock against Dominik’s muscley ass cheeks: “And now… your gonna feel that pain… sweety~”, Damian says as he begins to get ready to take his revenge.

Dominik worryingly begging not to but Damian doesn’t bother to listen, plowing with a hefty thrust into Dominik, making his boyfriend in turn moan in pain and pleasure. His body bucked as his stomach bulged as a 1,8m (6ft) cock plowed and moved his inside. Tears streamed down his face as Damian took his turn, hands gripping Dominik’s to at extra leverage for each thrust that bulges and spreads out Dominik’s broad abs on his stomach. Dominik moans and begs but ironically for more, which turns Damian on even more as he plows harder and faster into the teen.

“Ahh… don’t stop… this feels so good…”, Dominik moans out as his cock rested snuggly against his pecs shooting pre cum back up into his face. The climax drew closer as Damian’s melon-sized balls get ready to shoot his spunk all into Dominik’s hole. Damian moans growing louder and more strained as he fought back against the rising tingling sensation to give his boyfriend a few more powered thrusts. Till finally the gates open sending a powerful rush of spunk into the teens ass, Dominik’s belly bulging more and more as load after load of cum gets shot out into him, then Damian pops out his cock and lets it rest on his boyfriends ass. The two teens lay together as after the hot sex relishing in the afterglow of a nice fuck.

They turn to each other and laugh, feeling up each other’s muscles and bringing each other into a quick kiss. “Next time imma stay away longer to see what you do.”, Damian teases, “Haha… don’t tempt me… maybe next time we’ll get even bigger…”, Dominik responds back. As the two begin to get ready for another session of sex.

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