Lenny’s Christmas Special

Story by Arubazu

It was a special morning unlike any other, Lenny rises from his slumber, yawning as he slowly gets up. A light flurry of snow passes by his window and a smile creeps on his face as he checks the time on the clock, seeing it was still the early morning hours.

Lenny begins to get out of his bed and opens the door seeing his older brother, Raff, walking by with messy bed hair and a tired gaze before opening his eyes to look at his younger brother, ruffling his hair before walking down the steps. “I think mom and dad are already downstairs…”, Raff says with a slight groan as it was a family tradition to wait for everyone to wake up before beginning the present opening for Christmas day.

This special day filled Lenny with excitement as he and his brother carefully walked down the stairs and into the living room with the Christmas tree brimming with light and life as their parent sat down talking to one another in the colorful glow.

Raff shakes the sleepiness out of his system. “Are we ready to open the gifts?”, their father asked, trying to hide a subtle giddiness in his tone. Their mother clasps her hands together, “Now Lenny why don‘t you go first then Raff?”, She says, gesturing towards the younger brothers’ gifts.

Lenny stares at them and nods opening one revealing a pair of shorts and shirts at first, he bites back a bit of disappointment to open up the next gift. This time a pair of pajama onesies, one of which was red and white, keeping in with the holiday season. Another a nice dark black and white in turn. Lenny smiles, liking the gift a bit more than the previous one before getting to the next, a nice set of headphones that he knew he was going to use sparking a good bit of excitement in the boy.

“Last one, open it up buddy”, Lenny heard his brother say pointing to the bigger box, curious as to what it would be. Lenny rips open the wrapping paper to reveal – “NO..WAY!”, the younger brother says in excitement – revealing a brand new console with a game to boot.

His smile wide on his face as he stares in gawking disbelief before turning to his family to see them all have a knowing grin on their face. “We knew you’d like that one. Raff convinced us that it would be the one you’d really like.”, their father acknowledge as they point to his older brother. Raff having a knowing smirk before Lenny gives a smiling thank you in return for the gift.

Everyone else began to open their own gifts as Raff got both a new pair of shoes, his own set of headphones, and something extra nice that he cheered to the heavens to have. Meanwhile, their parents got some nice gifts for each other before sharing a light kiss and lightly chuckling for a moment.

Lenny takes a moment to plug in his console, the gift he was most excited for, and play it, having fun in the living room for the time being, as his parents watch as he had fun. Raff was upstairs getting dressed in a more Christmasy getup being in more red and a nice Santa hat. “I’m going off to a party with my friends, be back later tonight.”, Raff says waving goodbye to his family as he leaves out the house and drives away, and soon the day hits the noon hours of the day.

“Alright you ready, dear?”, Lenny’s mom calls up the stairs before turning to her son, still on the couch playing his console. His posture a bit more slouched as she walked up to him: “Lenny, are you sure you don‘t wanna come to our work party?”, She asks her son who looks up at her. “Mm… n-no… I’d rather not go… especially considering I might be the oldest one there…”, Lenny complains as he looks back to his game. His mother acknowledges that fact before petting him on the head, soon his father comes downstairs in a full suit looking a bit stiff.

“Hmm just be careful and remember to not let anyone in.”, His father states as the mother adjusts his tie a bit more, Lenny continues to game although he begins to feel a bit bored and sleepy. “Other than that you will be the man of the house and don‘t get into too much trouble while we are gone.”, the father continued.

As Lenny’s mother and father wave goodbye from the doorway and close the door leaving Lenny alone still playing his game. His eye’s feeling heavy as boredom and sleepiness strike him once again, and the warmth of the room isnt helping. Lenny lets out a long yawn as he ends up slumping over to his side, eyes growing heavier before inevitably he drifts off to sleep.

“H…Y…o…th…r…”, A voice called out to Lenny, barely recognizable as it felt so distant and shallow, “Hey… you…”, The voice spoke again but louder and more recognizable to some degree, Lenny waved his hand away before something shook him awake. “HEY!…WAKE UP!!” This time the voice shouted shaking the boy awake and causing Lenny to open his eyes. Now he was face to face with another person. Although he couldn‘t make out much of his features due to a hood covering most of his face. He could make out his tanned skin tone and slight freckles, and his oddly candy cane-colored robes as well, then came the wings that really take Lenny aback.

“Ah… good your finally awake, I was about to resort to slapping you silly”, the mysterious person joked before dropping him in the midst of the snow field they were in, which adds another layer to the crazy revelations. “So… to start this off and get this out of the way, you are currently dreaming… oooh!”, the guy before Lenny spoke, the young boy taken aback a bit. “And I… am a Christmas fairy.”, the fairy spoke and the pride from that statement oozes out to the point Lenny could feel the warmth. “Oook…”, Lenny spoke out not really believing in him.

“Yeah, I get that a lot, but business is business so whether you believe me or not is up to you.”, the fairy spoke as he walked around Lenny. “But!… I am here cause of two things: the first is because you were a good boy this year… and the second is because your already experiencing some Christmas boredom.”, the fairy announced. “What do you mean?”, Lenny asks trying to pry for more answers before the fairy continues: “well you see, we fairies like to keep the magic of Christmas alive, however more and more humans experience what we call… after gift boredom…”, the fairy explains, he makes a screen appear before Lenny showing how he was excited with his console at first but soon played it to being bored very quickly.

“So… what does that have to do with me?”, Lenny asks the fairy wondering why this weird dream is happening. “Well… you see, it’s a very complicated thing but the jist of it is that we need to keep the magic of Christmas alive for the whole day, since we thrive off it.”, The fairy told the boy before him, “And we started this new little program to do just that, it works absolute wonders I tell you that much.”, the fairy spoke as he snaps his finger the screen beside him disappears and in poofs in a weird cane-like staff.

“When you wake up this staff will grant you a few wishes so to speak of.”, the fairy tells Lenny as he puts the staff in the boys hand, the magic within it humming a bit. “Granting you, your heart’s desire whether that be having some fun, or maybe like those magazines you steal from your brother… put on an extra bit of muscle…”, the fairy adds with a knowing wink. Lenny is taken aback and blushes, not even Raff knows he borrows those magazines cause he hides them after he takes them, all of which filled full of muscular men that tingle the boys heart and loins. “H-how…?”, before Lenny could get answers the Fairy cuts him off: “Just go wild and have some fun… it is Christmas after all… besides you won‘t get any answers from me anyways…”, the Fairy tells Lenny as he begins to drift off further in the distance of the snow field. “W-why is that?”, Lenny asks as he follows behind the Fairy, the creature turning to Lenny with a delighted smirk. “Cause your about to wake up in 3… 2… 1…”, and then like that everything went dark.

Lenny jolts awake looking left and right real quickly as he wakes up in a start, breathing heavily even though the snowfield he was in within the dream was peaceful and cozy. “Wow… what a weird dre- OWW!”, Lenny was about to resign himself to the weirdness of his dream before he ends up knocking the staff against his head. Realization and shock unraveling in his face as he holds the same staff that was in his dreams examining it to look the exact same and even still letting out that low hum.

“But does it work…?”, Lenny asks himself pondering over whether or not if such a thing would be possible: “Well… what‘s the worst that could happen?… it’s not like anyone is here to see me…”, Lenny ponders aloud before deciding to commit to the act. “Well nothing ventured… nothing gained… I wish I was a bit… buffer!”, Lenny says aloud closing his eyes to the fact he might be blinded by something. For a moment there was nothing before Lenny opens his eyes and notices said nothing has happened, he looks at the staff with a grimace feeling a bit like a fool for believing in such a farce.

“Knew it was too good to be true, not like i’ll be able to watch my muscles grow before my eyes…”, Lenny says in slight disappointment as he flexes one of his arms. However, that same thing happens as Lenny notices from the staff a tingling sensation goes through his body, from head to toe, and soon after he looks on in amazement.

As his flexed bicep goes from something pencil thin to slowly swelling right there before his eye’s, showing just a bit of definition, his pecs pushing the front of his pajama shirt forward just a small touch. He even can feel his loins tingle, causing the boy to shutter in delight, as he packed on a bit more “weight” down there too. Lenny pulls back the waistband of his garments, to get a good look and he let out a whistle impressed by how just an extra inch made his dick into something more respectable. “Ho ho… so it does work!!!”, Lenny says getting excited as he flexes his body, albeit mostly unchanged he felt quite fit. That is when another thought crossed his mind, a new plan to see if he can get that big. “I wish… I can grow big enough to watch myself tear out of most of my clothes!”, Lenny spoke proudly and he can feel the staff tingling again before spreading out to the rest of his body.

His body expands as muscles swell forth upon his frame, his bicep bulging bigger and bigger as now they weren’t no mere hints but actual rippling muscles chiseled like marble statues.
His shoulders broaden to make way for his thickening traps as they tear forth through the neckband of his shirt, leading down into his growing biceps once more that grow to the size of melons that bulge as he flexes and causing the front of his shirt to rip apart and unveiling the cobblestone road of abs hidden beneath. A nice 8 pack of marvelous abs clad on his stomach as his lats widen giving him a beautiful set of wings below his shoulders.
Lenny slides a finger down them to feel how tightly and deeply cut they were before watching as his pajama pants were ripping at the seams due to his expanding legs growing full of muscle and tearing the clothing further apart.
Underneath reveals his massive rippled legs, marveled in awing their perfect teardrop shape, as they bulged with muscle down to his calves, that swelled into marvelous bowling ball sized mounds for that extra bulk. As his legs finally broke free from their prison, the boy felt the need to widen his stance with how big his legs had gotten with the muscle practically rubbing against each other.

And soon the warmth intensifies in his loins as warmth swells higher and higher, Lenny moaning aloud as he watches his bulge protrude further and further against its cloth prison along with his balls as well. Tightening the package within until it gets to the point where all the cloth to the undergarment was working to hide what was within, and failing at it too as the indentation of his massive fist thick cock bulged into the underwear. “Hehe… maybe i’ll let you grow a little bit later too…”, Lenny thinks, causing his dick to obey and not break free.

Now clad in nothing more than his tight underwear, the boy flexes marveling in his ripped physique, his chiseled frame, and his bodacious body. Every part of him equal to a bodybuilder, who spent years in the gym and he got all that with just a simple wish.
Just like those body builders at those gyms he wanted to share his body. Not just to anyone thought but he had a few people in mind as he grabbed his phone from the coffee table infront of him: “Let’s see if they’ll take the bait!”, Lenny thinks as he begins to take different photos in different poses and send them to three of his friends.

It was only a bit later when his doorbell rang, Lenny covering up his muscles in the onesie, his family bought him for Christmas, as an extra special surprise. As he opened the door, he saw three other boys, which he knew from school, all shifty eye and holding their phones close at hand. “Come in gentlemen… the fun is just about to begin…”, Lenny tells them leading them into the living room.

The glow of the Christmas tree giving good lighting to the room as the boys behind Lenny marvel at his christmasified household. However, they didn‘t come to gawk at the walls but at a particular someone and Lenny could feel their prying eyes on his back. “S-so…”, one of the boys asks sheepishly, eager to see but not wanting to ruin the moment.

The boys encircle Lenny in the living room as he stops and pauses, staff still in hand as he smirks at his friend. “Ah… so you wanted to see… your little present… well one of you gotta unwrap it first…”, Lenny tells them with a statement that almost oozed with a bit of confidence and intrigue. One of them agreeing to do it as he walks to Lenny who stares at him with a bit of a coy smirk and watches him as he zips down his onesie.

Slowly all the muscle hidden beneath comes to display causing the boys to gawk and drool from their lips. “Hey I did say it was you guy’s present… you can touch all you like…”, Lenny entices as one boy goes for his pecs feeling how hard yet supple they were. Feeling the nice roundness of them as Lenny lets out a delighted moan. One of them reaches around from behind and exploring that bulge and Lenny looks on with a smirk: “ooh someone’s really eager huh?“, Lenny teases, causing the boy to blush as he feels how massive Lenny’s girth truly was. The third and final one was feeling up Lenny’s biceps and enjoying how plump and round they were and the boy hadn‘t even gotten to flexing yet.

All three of Lenny’s friends continued their exploration and worship as it soon leaned to becoming more intimate. The massive bulge being felt up by one friend soon began to twitch awake eager to be acknowledged and break free. As Lenny’s cock tore out of his undergarments, it throbs erect at about a foot long and the boys marveled at seeing it. The friend who was touching it feeling up its warmth and finds himself enjoying the girthy dick so much that he slowly ends up jerking Lenny off. The other boys begin to follow in kind as well with their worship as one friend begins to lick his bicep and the other feels up Lenny’s pecs.

Lenny moaning in pleasure from all the attention delights in the fact his friends enjoyed his present but wanted to give them more. And with that once again wished himself to be bigger, albeit in his head, since he didn‘t want to expose his secret just yet.

As Lenny expands his muscles bulge bigger and bigger, his friends find themselves marveling at how much thicker their friend could become as his pecs become like massive shadow casting shelves of muscle. His cock throbbing to 1 Meter (3 ft) long by the time it‘s done expanding with grapefruit sized balls to boot, his leg muscles rubbing against one another once more as they expand and grow so much, that they begin to tear out of his onesie. His shoulders broaden wider as he feels the tingling move into his bicep which gets as big as melons.

Now Lenny is so big, he dwarfed the average bodybuilder. He is enticed by the worship of his friends, as they hugged, groped, licked and squeezed every part of him, grinding their own hard ons against his muscles, as they stripped nude to continue their naughty fun, getting into it even further.

Lost in lust all the boys had begun to moan in pleasure as they feel up and grind against Lenny’s flexing muscles as they bulge which each motion. Lenny could feel himself getting close as the boy from behind could barely wrap his hand around his massive cock that throbbed and twitched with each stroke.

Pre-cum leaking out of his cock in droves, pooling the floor full of the substance as it soaks all the boys feet. “Ooh this is gonna… be… BIIIG!!!”, Lenny moans aloud. Soon after shooting a powerful load that drenches the furniture and Christmas tree around them before all the boys also shoot their more meager seed onto Lenny and each other.

The boys leaning against a wall to regain their composure but still worshiping and enjoying Lenny’s muscles. “Ah… the best Christmas ever…”, Lenny relishes in the moment as he feels the boys continued worship upon his massive body.

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