Little Accident

Story by Arubazu, enjoy!

It was an early weekend afternoon, Mike was on his way to a friends house with his big brother so they could have a bit of fun. Walking down the block, holding hands with his big brother he turns to him to point out the house. They saunter up the porch and knock on the door were it soon opens up. “HEYYY!! You guys made it” was the first thing they saw their friend ,Nathan, open the door with a bright smile. “Hehe wouldnt want to miss out on some fun dude.” Answered Mike with his brother silently nodding back. They walk into the house and are greeted by some of the others, Simon gives them a simple wave from the couch as he plays some video games with Lukas who was clearly losing, his screams and shouts of disdain echoing through the halls. Nathan walks past them and points to the living room, “Why not chill out in there with them while I go get some more snacks.” Nathan says with a smirk. Mike and his bro nod watching him head to the kitchen seeing the other one, Martin looks up from his sandwich to watch Nathan walk by. The two saunter their way into the living room and duck not to be in the way of the gameplay. It was clear however that Simon was very skilled at this game as Lukas’s body jerked every which way teeth gritting in anger while Simon just sat calmly with an eager grin. Clearly this shooter was not Lukas’s strong point and it showed as he easily missed every shot. Mike kept chuckling at Lukas’s misfortune while his brother just took to the other sofa to catch up on news on his phone. Looking up every now and then to keep note of the score. To be frank tho the battle between the two ended with a resounding heavy loss between Lukas and Simon. “Ugh…” Lukas sulked still a bit upset over it, Simon pat him on the back “Good work your getting better tho dude.” Simon says encouraging his friend just a bit. Till the group begins a resounding conversation telling about their day to day business and catching up on this lovely free day. Nathan returns with the snacks letting them eat while they talked, some goofy stories were shared, some funny school happenings and beign the youngest out of all of them Mike couldnt wait to experience what they experience as well.

Lukas rolls a ball out from behind the couch, “Hey lets play a little bit of catch” he says tossing the ball up and down in his hand. The group made a resounding agreement to do so before dispersing some of the furniture into the hallway. Lukas starts the little game of catch off with a fair throw, tossing the ball to Simon who catches it with ease. Simon in turn tosses the ball over to Nathan who catches it and throws it from his back to Martin. All the while the ball passes by Mike multiple times upsetting the little guy as it zooms by him and around him. Even his brother who wasnt really participating got a chance to catch the ball and toss it back to the group. A pout grew upon his face and it took a while for Lukas to notice, “Hey, MIke catch!!” he shouts startling the group as he throws a hard toss to the boy. Mike with his eye on the ball the world nearly moving in slow motion as this was his moment to shine didn’t realize he was backing up into the nearby fireplace with a vase upon it. The group was in shock but before they could do anything Mike caught the ball and backed up enough to knock the vase over. The vase crashed into mike making him fall onto the floor covered in some dust-like substance. “Good job Lukas you hurt the kid” Martin chided at Lukas, “Sorry dude you alright?” Lukas apologizes, Simon and Nathan make their way over to him along with his brother. Mike opens his eyes the dust was everywhere, upon him and even in his mouth as he spits it out a bit. “Bleh…pth…I’m okay….that hurt tho.” Mike takes the time to say, getting some help up to his feet. “Here let’s get this stuff off you,” Nathan says leading Mike to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up.

They make their way to the bathroom grabbing a towel to dust the, well dust off of Mike the two gettings just enough to return the blue color of his shirt and grey of his pants. They stop and Nathan takes a moment to check on Mike’s body to see if the back of his head is a bit wounded from the impact but he found nothing was wrong with him at the moment. “Hmm, you alright?” Nathan asks, “Yeah… altho I’m feeling a little tingly” Mike responds. “Tingly?…hmm what was in there, I don’t remember putting anything in that vase..” Nathan responds pondering for a moment. That is until he heard some panting coming from Mike. He turns confused to see Mike but what he saw shocked him to his core. This little kid who was just below his chest in height was slowly inching upwards. “Woah!” Nathan says backing up as he watches him not only get taller but his body fills out his clothes as well. Mike moans lifting up both of their arms, watching the biceps swell outward tightening against his shirt, pec’s beginning to grow and push out from the front. Rows upon rows of abs form under his shirt and his legs thicken to show a stronger definition. Mike now held the body of a young athlete, something way bigger for someone his age and was just below Nathan’s neck in height and still growing.  His shirt lifting up now to give a peek at the abs just below and just then his attention turned to another shocking revelation. It seemed not only were his muscles growing but his bulge was too. Nathan can see the indentation of the young adonis’s cock and balls as it presses out against his shorts. His clothes getting tight and taught upon his body to the point of small tears appearing on his sleeves.

“Oh lord…” Nathan thought as he watched him continue to grow bigger and bigger moaning and convulsing as pleasure wraps through his body. “Umm wait here..imma..imma go try to get help,” Nathan tells mike in a slight panic before squeezing by the growing boy clothes begin to rip even more growing to the size of the teens he hangs out with. Nathan ran out of the bathroom into the living room rushing to the others who were busy cleaning up the dust on the floor themselves. “Guys Stop!!” Nathan shouted causing all of them to stop and turn to him in confusion. Even MIke’s brother took a moment to look up from his phone to look at him. “Dude’s Mikes growing right now!” he said in shock and all of their jaws just dropped. A collective of what’s and questionable looks appeared on all their faces before the silence was filled with the sound of a few rips and a moan.  The group collectively gets up and moves to the bathroom to see Mike growing and flexing his massive body, now his head just above their own, his clothes in tatters on the floor leaving him thoroughly nude and his massive hard cock erect in every way was twitching eagerly for attention. The sight left the group speechless as the hulking bodybuilder built boy grows more and more as his head reaches the ceiling. “Uuungh… this feels ….so good guys..” mike moans out, eyes rolling to the back of his head in ecstasy feeling his body getting bigger and bigger. The group stares in awe and looks at each other for a moment trying to figure out what to do, but the sight of watching him grow and hearing him moan before them was filling them with lust and want to worship this growing titan. Unbeknownst to them the effect of the powder also spread to them as the moved closer to feeling up his body, touching every thorogh a ripple of muscle and ever crevice of strength. They found themselves lost in a near hypnotic trance of wanting to worship the newfound growing titan.

Mike grew bigger his head now hitting the ceiling of the bathroom and he drops down to his knees’s giving the others more time to worship his body. Simon and Martin worked on his powerful legs now thicker than most tree trunks. His brother was working up feeling his pec’s, Lukas was feeling up enjoying those massive biceps squeezing them but finding them harder than rocks unmovable but powerful with every flex and Nathan was feeling up his massive cock the thick meaty shaft and bulbous medicine ball-sized balls. An through their worship the others began to grow too, following Mike in his newfound growth spurt the effect of the powder began to affect them in turn too. Slower than his, of course, having not taken in much but still enough to keep up as soon their clothes found tightness from their growing height and muscle. Mike grew to the point where his head was touching the ceiling again, putting pressure in it causing cracks to form his cock growing so long and thick it was out the bathroom doorway and his body along with the growth of the other were filling up the bathroom till finally with a crash his head finally pushed through the ceiling letting sunlight in, he rose tall to his height of 6 meters head and shoulders just above the roof of the house while still growing. The others have long lost their clothing following suit as just 3 more growing muscular and giant teens grow with him. Soon they get lost in the lust to pleasure themselves rubbing their growing cocks against MIke’s massive muscular body. Nathan However was using his full body to rub against Mike’s cock pleasuring the original giant to make him moan in pleasure as he flexes his growing body. The sound of all the others moan urges him to thrust his massive cock as well grinding it on the ground as his body continues to swell, destroying the house they resided within. 

Their growth subsided as Mike grew to a whopping 15 meters tall and the other boys to a strong 10 meters. Bodies rubbing against each other as they moan, grinding their cocks against Mike’s massive muscular bodies. Worshipping his muscles and their own as the power and lustfully take over their minds leaving nothing but want and desire. As they continue to grind worshipping their bodies, feeling their thick and power bulging biceps, Mike’s brother rubbing his hard cock between Mike’s massive pec’s,  Martin and Simon were still worshipping the true titan’s massive muscular legs as they jerked themselves to satisfy their lust. Lukas couldn’t help himself being amazed at both Mike’s biceps and his own making his cock pull drops upon drops of pre onto the ground and Nathan had the greatest pleasure of satiating the titan’s lust. The group jerks, moans echoing out through the landscape till finally I deluge of white rain sprays down as they finally cum hard drenching the area in their splurge. The group finally lays in exhaustion, as they pant they come out of their lust haze and begin to look around confused, bewildered and a bit turned on still at their newfound bodies. With a few flexes they find themselves hard again and with cocky smirks they turn to Mike. “hehe ready for the second round guys” Mike chuckles standing at his full height and flexing his powerful muscles. The other teens join in feeling up their bodies and letting their cocks get hard again and ready to thoroughly have some fun.

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