The Trick

A story i which i should have posted months ago by Arubazu, enjoy!

Karol lays in his bedroom completely bored outta his mind as he scrolls his phone for news, continuously scrolling till he ends up wandering into the messages. A friend from school sent him a message with a really nice offer. A guy you can pay for some sexual activity and all he had to do was call this number. He pondered if he should before finding himself going through the motions and calling the number, patiently waiting through the dial tones. “Hello?” a male voice called out, “Oh uh hi, i was um calling about the services?” Karol replied. There was a momentary pause before a quick, “Oh, oh yeah your talking about those, sure just text me where you want to meet and i will be there soon, we can talk about payment while im there”. He says. “Oh sure, that would be alright.” The two hang up and Karol texts him his home address. Within 20 minutes there was a knock on the door, Karol rushes downstairs to see another teen wearing a grey hat and brown hair with blue eyes underneath looking at him with a swift smile. “Hi, names Lukas so you called for me?” he says to Karol. Karol looks him over before asking, “Soo, your guy my friends talk about for sexual services?” He asks Lukas. Lukas nods “Yeaah, it’s a good way to make money and it’s pretty fun too.” he replies with a short nod. “Hmm alright, and your willing to do even gay sex?” Karol asks, “I would actually prefer gay sex more” Lukas replies once again shrugging his shoulders a bit. Karol smiles “Good, come in we’ll do it in my room” Karol tells him leading him into the house, the two walk up the stairs and into a nice little bedroom.

    Lukas starts with taking off his shirt and shorts revealing his boxer briefs checkered in nature. Karol takes off his shirt as well, “we’ll start here” Karol says pointing to his sweatpants. Lukas nods and takes a hand to grope Karol’s crotch feeling up his dick as it grows erect from the sudden attention. Karol reciprocated the motion to Lukas to get him even more into it. Karol had to admit this guy was good, his touch very nice against his cock. “Hehe i guess you deserve a little surprise for doing so good.” Karol says with a smile. Lukas eyebrow rose in confusion as to what he meant but then he began to notice something strange. This guy’s cock was still growing under his sweatpants, he can feel the tip snaking out further than before as well as his balls swelling out as well pushing out the front. At first assuming this guy just wasn’t erect but the cocky smile Karol had told him something different. He feels it growing bigger beginning to go down the thigh of his sweatpants as his balls follow suite. The indentation of it under the sweatpants widening as well making it look absolutely near monstrous as it still grows. Lukas eyes widen in sheer surprise feeling this thick cock grow under his touch.  Sliding down further of the pants until it stopped at the calves of his sweatpants. Karol smiled “Here it is, your bonus for already doing so well” He says with a playful wink. He moves back sitting onto his bed before unveiling his massive cock from his sweatpants with the two bowling ball like balls swing from below. Lukas is taken aback but also immensely turned on. “How about you try to fuck me from the tip? Wouldn’t that be interesting.” Lukas almost immediately jumped at the offer tossing off his underwear to quickly move closer to the monster cock before him. He positions himself near the head unconsciously measuring the difference between their cocks. He gives it a light thrust as he pushes his cock into Karol’s cock, shuddering in pleasure at this new feeling. “Oooh this feels awesome..” Lukas moans out as he thrusts into Karol’s cock hole, all the while surprisingly enough his cock was still growing. Lukas found himself being pushed back slowly only proceeding to turn himself on even more.

    Karol found himself moaning, jerking in delight as Lukas kept his pace, his cock still growing slowly about as big as his upper torso and head. The massive cock layed sprayed out on the bed as Lukas kept thrusting as hard as he can into him. His hands gripping tight on Karol’s massive cock head for balance as they moan in unison. Lukas’s moans get louder and louder until finally he cums into Karol’s cock shooting his seed into it as he pulls away and flops onto the bed a bit exhausted panting with a satisfied smile. “Gosh that was amazing.” he says through exhausted breathing. However Karol wasn’t satisfied yet, his cock still twitching eagerly and his stare hungry for pleasure as he rubs the base of his cock. The two were sprawled out in a manner putting Lukas’s leg close to his massive cock and Karol smiled. He moves it closer to Lukas’s feet and begins to make his move, his cock soon begins to suck the other teen in. Lukas finds his legs being sucked in “w-woah! Hey!” he shouts out in surprise as he finds himself being sucked in, well the wet warmth of the cock swallow him up. Luka’s begins to struggle a bit more but  he’s already waist deep into being sucked in finding himself slightly turned on as this is happening too as his cock gets aroused again. Karol chuckles watching Lukas continue to go down, his chest following soon as his head soon goes under next as his hat just flops down onto the bed. “Hehe now the real fun begins” Karol shouts rubbing the bulge in his cock as it goes down, down into one of his balls as Lukas finds himself plopped in this tight ball surrounded by cum. “H-hey let me out!!” Lukas shouts out hunched against the tight walls of Karol’s nut. “Not yet, i’m not satisfied yet, you be good and don’t bother to struggle and I might let you out a little sooner” Karol says with a deep chuckle as he gropes the ball holding lukas, Lukas however finds himself in a bit of a pickle surrounded in a pool of cum within his clients nut. He had to admit it was kinda hot though as he pushes against the wall before finding himself with a new probably noticing his body was changing as his skin paled a bit an dripped. It didn’t hurt but he was dripping everywhere, as if his body was becoming part of the sea of cum he was stuck in he tried to struggle a bit more but his body began to drip apart faster his legs first becoming pools of cum along with his arms as he looked around, he sinks lower and lower until finally he finds himself as just a part of the sea of cum he was in, still there yet with no body just a mind in a sea.

    However on the outside Lukas’s predicament was having beneficial outcome to Karol. As his body began to swell and expand in muscle and height. He flexes his body as he grows, biceps swelling out becoming bigger than watermelons. Pecs and abs that would put any professional bodybuilder to shame. Thighs so thick they look like they can crush the trees they are bigger than and as big as the bed he sat upon. He grins as he flexes his newfound muscles, “Hahaha yes i do like such a good consumption, you did rather nicely” Karol says with a sinister snicker that followed afterwards. Groping the ball that held Lukas he can feel his confusion within there. “ Don’t worry I’ll let you out after i had a little bit of fun, and you didn’t struggle so I’ll give you a little bonus when I pay you.” Karol tells him. Standing up to look at himself in the mirror in his bedroom that only reached the bottom of his massive pecs before flexing some more in front of it. “However, I would hope you also have some special deals, like say a 2 for the price of 1, then we can really have some fun!!” Karol announces with glee. “Maybe next time you can make something like that happen hmm?” he says with sinister intent.

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